Pork Ice Cream

Is there a hidden meaning to this sign in Swanbourne? Is it a joke? Perhaps someone knows. I’ve heard of a pork sword, but a pork icecream cone? At least it’s organic I suppose.


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About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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29 Responses to Pork Ice Cream

  1. David Cohen says:

    It’s a place where you can pig out?


  2. Russell says:

    Revolting. Writing ice cream as one word.

    LA did you notice a few metres west along the road there, the signed Town of Claremont ‘improvement’ made to the verge? The verge is patterned in mulch or something, in various nasty shades of black and reddish brown. Looks more like Armadale than Claremont, I thought.


  3. scarletnettie says:

    There’s a butcher in Mundaring that also sells honey…

    Not really relevant but that pretty much sums me up :)


  4. No but I noticed that what used to be The Swanbourne Hotel a few metres west is now an old people’s home or something. The vanished worst are multiplying.


  5. Honey and pork are an excellent combination. Like bacon and maple syrup.


  6. scarletnettie says:

    Dammit, my av still isn’t working :(
    I’ve gone to the gravatar site and tested it and everything. It should be working but it’s not.

    I’m going to go sit in the corner and sulk now.


  7. It takes a while. Is your email all lower case?


  8. I tested your gravatar too. I saw it and liked it. Don’t know why it’s not here yet.


  9. James says:

    The Swanbourne hotel has been gone for about 10 years now. I remember not long after it was demolished seeing a confused backpacker staring at the vacant block. The old people’s home itself stood vacant for several years until it was sold to a new owner (and I presume) the prices came down.


  10. Klaus says:

    Remember the scene with Napoleon in the ice creamery in in Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure?

    ‘Eat the piggy, eat the piggy…’


  11. Levon says:

    If it’s organic and supposedly GM-free, why is the pig blue?


  12. Pork Eating says:

    Haven’t you Perthies outdone yourselves with this little number.
    I often think of Perth as I fly over it on my way to Paris , or when I use to see bapak ( lovely bloke but never mention communism ). Nice place but still a pimple on the arse end of the world. Only place to still come out for the “little turd” in the last election. Now getting back to the “art ” ; this lovely piece has filmic elements ; reminds me of early Truffles or Kuredsow. Perhaps only an artist of Annita’s significance could have knocked off something better than this.
    Still this artist will fit well in the Perth arts scene with this juxtaposition of random elements.
    If only I had thought of this aspect of piggeries I would have killed the market.


  13. Oh, it’s art? But wouldn’t the whole butcher’s shop have to be included. If it was hanging in this gallery i could understand.

    Pulling it Off


  14. Mez says:

    If’n we are the pimple does that make Sydney the boil in deperate need of lancing? Melbourne the rash and Canberra the itch?


  15. Rage says:

    Oink is a brand of organic ice cream. Thus the pig, and the everything.

    What it is doing in a butcher is beyond me.


  16. Oh, that makes it clearer. Wait, no it doesn’t.


  17. Big Texan says:

    That’s where I get my steaks…

    The free range ice cream is sold in blue tubs with the same oink and pig logo as on the window. It is made in Fremantle.

    This fine establishment also advertises ” Fresh Fish Tuesdays”, which of course begs the question, what is it on Fridays? (I get my fish at Coles where I’m confident… (Rest of this sentence edited by LA, sorry Tex. Need to be careful even with a satirical comment now TWOP famous)

    And thanks to whoever pointed out the old folks home is the site of an old hotel. I wondered what was there first.
    I’ll thought this might have once been an interesting suburb. There is a burned out church on Shenton Road that might be TWOP worthy. And then there is that nude beach…


  18. The Swanbourne was a pleasant place. Can you get me a pic of burnt church BT? These things can be demolished quickly sometimes.


  19. David Cohen says:

    Oink’s is also a ice cream parlor (sic)/candy (sic) shop in New Buffalo, MI:


  20. Big Texan says:

    oops, I should have said ” a large supermarket”…


  21. It’s the pig logo and that it’s also sold in the butchers that threw me.


  22. Mez says:

    ah Tex you missed out on the golden years of the Swanbourne Hotel. Good pub. Great band venue and the only place that would have Ed Keuper. I remember seeing the Angels there back when beer came in glass and Doc Neeson copped one in the head during ‘Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again’ .


  23. Tony says:

    Should pass that on to this mob.

    Back in 1985 me and a mate won a trivia night at the Swanny. You should have seen lemon sucking stares from all the trivia hard heads there when they realised they’d been pantsed by a couple of young blokes.

    Same year I saw Rose Tattoo at the Morley Generator. There were five people there – me and my four mates. Gotta hand it to the Tatts, they played the whole set and then at the end Angry came across and thanked us all personally.


  24. On Rose Tattoo, when Angry sings Bad Boy for Love, I can’t help singing “I’m a shortarse! Shortarse for Love!”


  25. Dukes says:

    Aahhhhh, so thats where ice cream comes from…


  26. meccano101 says:

    There is a melbourne challenge for this meat oddity L.A. The famous ‘meat trails of Marybanong’


  27. The Intellectual Bogan says:

    Dukes @26, I have it on good authority that soft-serve ice-cream has a surprisingly high lard content.

    I don’t know for sure if it’s true, but, since being told that little gem, I’ve been unable to eat a Mr Whippy without tasting animal fat.


  28. JXL66 says:

    When I was in my teens and just getting into makeup I had a real affection for makeups with glitter in them. ,


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