Bra Burning

This was a lesson to me. I meant to stop and take a picture of this ugly lingerie factory in Maylands, but decided I could do it later. The next day it burned down. Would have been really cool to have posted it before it burned, so I could have claimed it was a TWOP reader taking action. Always take the time to stop and appreciate worst when you can, people. The top was heavily graffitied and it really was a ridiculous looking building. It is now a vacant block, so I did save some of our worst history. Those bras really go up when they get going don’t they?


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About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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11 Responses to Bra Burning

  1. Levon says:

    I blame Germaine Greer.


  2. adam1975 says:

    It reminds me of this dodgy looking porn shop on Port Road in Adelaide, called something like Black Knight Erotica. The subject of the shop is alluring, but the execution of the shop is nasty. This kinda reminds me of that – the whole lingerie things is fine, but the shop itself doesn’t exactly cry out to me to go in and buy the better half some skimpy little set. Then again, now that it’s all ash and charcoal, it doesn’t matter!


  3. adam1975 says:

    And the fact that the sandwich board is outside the fenceline and used to affix the danger tape is just awesome.


  4. MrB says:

    I remember that place used to sell 2nd hand fridges.


  5. Yes, you are right, it did.


  6. flynn says:

    So does this get a second entry as a worst for procrastination? Or would be a good procrastination?


  7. Worst was that I also didn’t stop for a graffitied house on Lord Street that said “6PRacist” and it was gone the next day.


  8. Ryan says:

    I remember this place. I couldnt imagine the kind of people that would actually go in there on their on free will. Arsonist, you really did Perth a favour


  9. I don’t know if there was foul play, or if a gstring spontaneously combusted Ryan. I should have checked the local rag.


  10. Wendy says:

    Shame it burned down – I went there a couple years back, got some nice sets of underwear really cheap that I still wear today. Good quality stuff, too.


  11. Pingback: C&B Frenzy | The Worst of Perth

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