Bunker on Gallipoli

Another great location for TWOP headquarters, these small offices on Gallipoli Street Lathlain. I can see myself sitting one of those vinyl chairs with a rotary dial phone, sending out a fleet of Holden HQ’s (3 on the tree) to Rockingham, Morley, Kalamunda, Rockingham…


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About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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21 Responses to Bunker on Gallipoli

  1. Anonymous Perthon says:

    Its a tomb with a nightclub entrance


  2. Juffy says:

    …I wouldn’t be seen dead in that nightclub?


  3. Rolly says:

    Seems like it’s rendered almost everyone speechless!


  4. Martin says:

    If I ever need a location for my dystopian science fiction film, I’ll be sure to remember this place.


  5. Big Texan says:

    [Seems like it’s rendered almost everyone speechless!]

    I’m trying to work up a bad pun involving the the term “dreadnought” because it reminds me of the pointy end of one of those old ships, but I’m not having any luck.


  6. How Bizzare… I used to work here in the late 80’s. A friend with whom I studied at W.A.I.T. owned it for a few years. He went to live in the Czech Republic so he must have used as an introduction to their architecture. The company that owned it afer him imported concentrated whisky then watered it down, then bottled it. Probably more lucrative than our enterprise…


  7. Ah, a fellow WAITian. What did you do at this place?


  8. Hotlblackdesiato says:

    We fixed Atomic-Adsorption Spectrophotometers… Well refurbished would be more accurate. The main business was the supply of equipment to small Gold mines. Lovely position, at lunch time i could cycle around the river.


  9. Atomic-Adsorption Spectrophotometers. That’s easy for you to say.


  10. Rolly says:

    @9 LA: Good one,that. :D


  11. If you thought they are difficult to say you should try fixing them!


  12. Wayne says:

    Currently used as a catering facility by a company called the Village Kitchen.


  13. Ljuke says:

    Looking at this again, I’d say it’s a perfect HQ. Great windows for firing guns out of.


  14. shazza says:

    I’m going to stick my neck out and admit I don’t mind this building style.


  15. Misspent_yoof says:

    I walked past this again recently and figured it must have featured in TWOP by now. Googling “Worst of Perth Lathlain bunker” brought it up as the first hit.
    PS It’s much uglier than it looks in that photo!


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