Worst to the Nation

Did you miss me? Was one day without TWOP too much for you? I was going to apologise for missing my first ever day until I saw that no-one had congratulated me, firstly for getting several paragraphs in the Australian, (TWOP appears to becoming a player in the reshaping of the city), and secondly for turning over 100 000 hits in four months. Text of the OZ below. Thanks to James for pointing out that it’s online HERE.

the australian newspaper


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About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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22 Responses to Worst to the Nation

  1. Mez says:

    100 000 congrats from me
    have enjoyed TWOP immensely
    thanks for getting us (Perth) in the national rag


  2. Anonymous Perthon says:

    You’ve done so well LA, that you need to take yourself out of “Worst of Perth”


  3. David Cohen says:

    I was going to be at the computer, waiting for the 100,000th eyeful, but we took a leaf out of the esteemed site creator’s notebook and went to Funbury for a couple of days.
    The burning question: who was the 100,000th eyeful?
    Now you’ve conquered the Australian media, where is your first international mention going to be??


  4. Lisa says:

    Yeah you’re great. Congratulations and needless to say we did miss the daily post…

    The national rag is complete crap though, it’s our worst national daily broadsheet innit…..


  5. Golden1 says:

    Well Done – keep up the good work (not so) Lazy Aussie.


  6. SkyLantern says:

    Yes, thanks and congratulations LA. I look forward to seeing the online store, with hats, t-shirts and bumper stickers; the book version “The Best Of The Worst Of Perth”; and the inevitable sell-out to a multinational media conglomerate, which will enable you to buy the TWOP headquarters you’ve always dreamed of. In the meantime, to echo Golden1, keep up the good work!


  7. cimbali says:

    Fantastic work LA
    although I have to amend mez’s comment and say thanks for getting Perth into the national rag – without mentioning lesbian lovers murdering 16 yo girls or being another friend of Brian Burke,


  8. If I had lesbian lovers, they’d be in. Brian has been suggested numerous times. I prefer original photos. If I could get those of lezzos or brian, or lezzos AND Brian…


  9. Nettie says:

    Who needs lesbian lovers when we have lesbian mermaids?

    Congratulations by the way on all the good news, I’m glad to see you getting some great exposure in the media.
    And I did miss the post. I checked the site several times over the weekend to see if an update had been done!


  10. Rolly says:

    It’s hardly surprising that TWoP is developing a devoted following. There’s a hell of a lot of genuinely sentient uman beans in Woz who cry tears of anger and frustration at the actions of the grand mass of philistines who constitute the larger proportion of the populus.
    Commercial entities such as the Oz and Woz newspapers (I use the term loosely in place of what might otherwise be deemed somewhat libelous) cannot give air to honest public opinion for fear of some kind of “advertiser withdrawal” as, from the sponsors viewpoint, the purpose of a “newspaper” is to mould opinion not hear it.
    This delightfully open blog presents a small, but significant, opportunity for those with a bit of wit and awareness to have a lighthearted dig at the entrenched mental myopia which inflicts our society.
    Soon 100,000 will seem like a drop in the ocean and if the usual brevity of the posts degenerates into verbose diatribes like this one, you’ll soon need to upgrade your web service!
    Thankyou LA for a job being well done.


  11. Mazarina says:

    Congratulations! This site has been a balm on the angry wounds of my outraged sense of aesthetics in Perth. Keep up the great work!


  12. skink says:

    Congrats on the attention

    Scaffidi comes across as very shallow in that piece.

    A former air hostess and trophy wife of a dodgy developer who refers to her mayoral chain as “the bling”?

    she’s a walking metapor for the very worst of Perth

    she sounds like she would have been right at home air-kissing Bondy at the Mediterranean in 1987.

    “pretentious, moi?”


  13. skink says:

    I see that a study by the Economist rates Perth as the fifth best city to live in in the World

    the top ten are:


    I expect this to prompt vicious argument on this site as to how Melbourne got up there. Clearly climate and a good football team were not factors.

    It is only by the relentless hectoring of TWOP that Perth will improve, climb the ladder, and knock off those smug Canadians.

    The bottom of the list; the worst places to live in the world; were Algiers, Port Moresby, and Gosnells.


  14. greg hoey says:

    quote skink-“Congrats on the attention

    Scaffidi comes across as very shallow in that piece.

    A former air hostess and trophy wife of a dodgy developer who refers to her mayoral chain as “the bling”?

    she’s a walking metapor for the very worst of Perth

    she sounds like she would have been right at home air-kissing Bondy at the Mediterranean in 1987.

    “pretentious, moi?”

    Massive respect for that skink and sentiments I entirely agree with. Congrats TWOP best thing to happen to Perth.


  15. greg hoey says:

    The womans a true vulgarian.


  16. I had dreams of being a vulgarian once.


  17. skink says:

    I always think of Scaffidi as “Julie Bishop Lite”

    I don’t know if you remember the ABC drama “Grass Roots”. There was a character called Biddy who was a dead ringer parody of Scaffidi:

    I quote from the show’s website:

    “Biddy is an ambitious councillor with attitude, who’s capable of such charm that you could almost miss seeing how ruthless she is. A young, beautiful, private girl’s school graduate and trophy second wife of a successful businessman, Biddy wants to be Mayor as a first step on the political ladder. She hopes this role will take her well up into federal politics, and certainly knows how to play hardball”


  18. One of the commenters on this site used to cover local councils, and the shennanegins and stupidity the councillors displyed was many, many times greater than depicted on Grass Roots.


  19. David Cohen says:

    This recent local blog posting has an image of the Made in WA logo on a T-shirt…


  20. Why does Vikki Laurie need to be taken on a two hour tour of Perth when she lives here ?
    No mention of Perth Airport ( naturally enough since it wasn’t involved). Lisa “there is no conflict of interest” Scaffidi is in the long line of property developers taking over councils. That Lannie McT would be cozying up to her is hardly surprising.
    For Scaffidi’s previous employer see
    The other characters that make up this sorry tale :
    Rob “There’s one 44-storey development and people have bought whole floors for $6 million each,!” Butler
    Alan ” look across at the city and count the cranes” Carpenter
    Ruth “we’ve taken their bragging rights away” Durack
    They all snorted excitedly and headed for the trough.


  21. cimbali says:

    Hey Bill
    second prize was a four hour tour of perth. VL was lucky to have got out of it that lightly!


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