Kranskys – Smoke ’em if you got ’em.

Worst Design/Architecture

Before we get back to the Kalamunda public art atrocity tour, I thought I’d slip you a quick Kransky. I could live with the stripes maybe as “bad for the sake of attention grabbing”, but there’s a topless pig with manboobs on the door and there also appears to be a giant band-aid on the roof pulling flowers out of its ears. (Yes I said ears).


They make some excellent snags though, don’t get me wrong. Corner Grand Prom and Railway parade Bedford. Suggested by P Crackpot of Bedford.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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16 Responses to Kranskys – Smoke ’em if you got ’em.

  1. meccano says:

    A pig advertising pork sausages is very wrong, it’s similar to a vet clinic near me where the vet is a dog and the vet nurse is a duck.


  2. lazyaussie says:

    Would be good to see the vet dog cutting off the nurries of a patient dog.


  3. meccano says:

    we might be a bit off topic here,


  4. meccano says:

    Btw who’s to say they are manboobs, it may well be a female pig…..which makes it no better I know.


  5. lazyaussie says:

    The manboob is the most tasty part of the pig.


  6. P Crackpot (Bedford) says:

    The shop front here is outstandingly bad! For years I would drive past Dubrovniks in fear the artwork would leap out and attack me!! It took a long time to build up the courage to investigate its interior. When I finally did get in there, to my wonderful suprise I discovered arguably the best butcher in Perth – awesome kranskies, sensational staff. Check it out and dont let the artwork disturb you!!I now actually quite like it!!


  7. lazyaussie says:

    Entering Dubrovniks is like the first time walking into a brothel. After the first time, it’s easy, so they say.


  8. P Crackpot (Bedford) says:

    Looks like a “ShePig” to me!!


  9. Pingback: Behind The Pork Curtain « The Worst of Perth

  10. davemayer says:

    A little piggie w/man boobs! Ugh! Hope the butcher isn’t big & hairy.

    You know what they say…a good sign is the sign of a good business! Dave @


  11. Pingback: Another Scalp for TWOP? « The Worst of Perth

  12. Bento says:

    It used to also have a topless chicken (D-cup, nipples and all) with ‘chicken breasts’ written underneath, to go with the pig with moobs.

    Then a resident complained to the Council (trust me, i used to be on the inside), and the owners put a big ‘censored’ bar across the rude bits. Complaints continued, and the improbably stacked hen was removed entirely.


  13. Pingback: A: Meat and 2 veg. « glutton dressed as lamb

  14. glutton says:

    I’ve been going to this butcher for years and have never noticed the pig!!! My dubrovnik experience will never be the same again… Oh, and bring back the chicken boobs! :)


  15. The Legend 101 says:

    I always wondered what this building was, Thanks to the post above i now know its a Butcher thankyou so much Glutton.


  16. Pingback: Maylands Time 2 | The Worst of Perth

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