Shell Hell 2

Further to previous post on attempts to get rid of the Darling Range Hotel, mouldering as it still is in a brutal setting. Developers are giving it another go, after a surprise knockback, with plans to add a Shell AS WELL AS, rather than instead of the single skimpy, multiple old mattress establish. See, Daps Saps and the mattress airing public CAN come together in harmony. Everyone wins, because, like a McDonalds in Guildford, it would definitely be an improvement. From the Eastern Reporter. Don’t remember Rashelle’s previous work.




About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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16 Responses to Shell Hell 2

  1. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    A skimpy servo would be worth the drive. I’ve had it with self serves.


  2. Rong1 says:

    Is that a crocodile in the Growers Market lake?


    • Maybe. But more importantly, at first blush, if you glance quickly at the sign, it says “Greencunt”.


      • Perineum says:

        Huh. exactly what i thought.
        Nice tableau, too, with the plane an’ all. It looks like a scene from the last days of Saigon: those who can afford it are fleeing.
        “But where will you go?”
        “I’m not sure. I just know i have to get the hell out of Greencunt before it’s too late.”


  3. Zuben says:

    If it s good enough for the autostrada isnt it good enough for us ?


    • Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

      Would renaming the Kwinana Freeway the Kwinana Autostrada make it work any better? Kwinana Autobahn would be even better. Low hanging fruit for the Sneakers team.


  4. BSWAM says:

    Is the building in the second photo the hotel/pub in its current incarnation?


  5. orbea says:

    I can understand the hair trigger outrage of living in Bellevue, I mean look where they live. Imagine waking up there every morning, what is there to live for? Oooh a DAP decision…


    • Zuben says:

      12 storey mixed use residential development is urban redemption — ah — personified .

      Bellvue will see . Or can have a foretaste by touring the illustrated construction hoardings around scarborough for binbesque imagery of the ok-to-be-popular city of the future


    • Zuben says:

      12 storey mixed use residential development is urban redemption — ah — personified .

      Bellvue will see . Or can have a foretaste by touring the illustrated construction hoardings around scarborough for bimbesque imagery of the ok-to-be-popular city of the future


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