Phony News

Book burning season opened this week. Captured the demon of Trump’s hair rising up to consume the terrible Catcher in The Rye. Back then it might have been interesting that teenagers were whining. Now, not. 

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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6 Responses to Phony News

  1. Rong1 says:

    Have you burnt your Qur’an yet?


    • Rolly says:

      Chucking out every “Holy Bible” left in the hotel and motel rooms that I’ve occupied over my many decades of travelling, has always been a pleasurable hobby.
      I’m not just religious so much as solidly anti-religion of all kinds.


  2. Anonymous says:

    shera law


  3. you'll get wet says:

    This winter I suggest burning everything ever written by Mary Durack starting with Kings in Grass Castles, that pernicious novel masquerading as history.


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