Kalamunda Parklet

Another parklet. This one Kalamunda where place making desperation is kicking in as the town centre starts to resemble the set for a once well loved film made decades ago. Think Star Wars Tunisia. But as a construction, there’s not so much wrong with it – I guess. The cones are a nice touch. But the thing is, Kalamunda is not at all lacking in places to walk and sit. There are many such.  What it really has a shortage of is, (you can guess right?) parking spaces. Btw, The deserted streets are not (exactly) the result of Kala’s. Closed Monday cash only policy. It’s Christmas. 

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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24 Responses to Kalamunda Parklet

  1. Rong1 says:

    Did this fall off the back of a truck? It has the aesthetic quality of a rusty sea container. Will it require a firebreak?


  2. Sir Bill International says:

    Parking spaces are contraindicated , if Kalamuntans get any fatter there’ll be explosions.(see https://twitter.com/Bob_Gunderson) . Wasn’t yesterday’s parklet ( a good kick in the Smiths’ gumnuts) good enough ? Two parklets is surely too many.


  3. Yeah Right says:

    Prime for graffiti……….


  4. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Couldn’t you just sit on the footpath in the shade of the street trees? Oh hang on …


  5. Rolly says:

    You do have to admit that the Kalamunda Council does “Stupid” rather well.


  6. Bento says:

    Bonded leather belt sales plummet after Hastings’ car park converted to Shire President’s urban dacha.


  7. Zuben says:

    A timber bunker for … what ?


  8. Yeah Right says:

    Oh the Humanity !……


  9. cheapfame says:

    I hope it is made from reclaimed Beeliar Wetlands timbers. This particular parklet needs spicing up. If budget permits how about a $tormie Mills or a gloryhole with catchy hashtag? Perthians Against Popup Sidewalks – Moronic Extensions And Ridicule : PAPSMEAR unite.


  10. Slanderer says:

    It’s a while since I’ve been up that way, and maybe things change. Is that the Paris End of Kalamunda Road?


  11. BSWAM says:

    So…this is a mini-park reclaimed from a parking space? Is this performance art or an actual public parks program? I kind of like the idea, but this example looks a bit “plonked”.


  12. Rolly says:

    Dunno about “plonked”, but “plonk” being an ancient Australian invaders (commencing 1788) term for cheap wine – often of the fortified kind, I suspect that the concept of replacing a street parking space with somewhere where folks can sip coffee etc. whilst indulging in the delights of benzine fumes, diesel smuts, road dust and a volume of traffic noise which makes normal conversations impossible, was concieved whilst the originator was adversely affected by copious quantities of the said “plonk”.
    Kalamunda, as always decades behind trends prevailing elsewhere, probably imagines that it is somehow avante garde, should such a thing as “imagination” actually exist within the ranks of their local government representatives.


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