
This 1970s painting finally went out of fashion. Or the last fan died. 

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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6 Responses to Fan

  1. juantrak says:

    I’ll bet it’s really a Monet. It comes from his incognito signature phase, around 1870.


  2. GivDBird says:

    Shit really did hit the fan


  3. Reign of Error says:

    If you look closely, you see it was painted to scale


  4. El Guisto says:

    No Kaengen was well known art forger in the early 70’s. If my memory serves me he was sentenced to 17 years for claiming to be a landscape painter…


We can handle the worst