Exit the Dragon

When you’ve passed life purpose training, then there’s no real reason to keep the tapes is there? Although you’d probably want to keep the Saddle Club on VHS right? What other purpose is there? By Orbea. Welshpool. dragon

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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18 Responses to Exit the Dragon

  1. Reign of Error says:

    Life Purpose Training – for those who think outside the box. Clearly effective, even the career boxers are now outside the box.

    Speaking of boxes, that selection is putting the bored back into cardboard.


  2. Rong1 says:

    Registered Yawn


  3. Reign of Error says:

    That nondescript plain cover looks rather too dog eared for my liking. Hiding something?

    Bootleg copy of Gilligan’s Bi-land? The Anus Family 2 (featuring Gonads and Uncle Fister performing the ‘wobbly H’ with Cousin Tit) or is it just the 1994 Burkes Backyard azalea extravanganza special episode.


  4. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    The Purpose of Life is to get out of Welshpool.

    We can only assume the tape works.


  5. NF#1 says:

    Lovely non-sequitur, The Life Purpose Training -? For those interested (i.e. DC), read more about Gary here. Among other bold claims, Gary appears to have trademarked the word “life.”


  6. GivDBird says:

    Wintoning The Secret


  7. you'll get wet says:

    Don’t forget the Wiggly Safari tape. The first thing Google shows is Cocky Want a Cracker. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdbciOwfZ3o There are at least two successful marketing entities in that one and there was probably a Gary behind both of them. Gettem young. May the Gary be with you. .


  8. Reign of Error says:

    Best unsupported actress award


  9. you'll get wet says:

    Or dog could push Alby off ute. Dilemma. Bully x Staffy thinks – loyalty, or – should I nick his raybans and go crusin’ ?


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