Old Mill Rising

Slanderer sent me a Word document describing his Escape From New York style visit to the old Mill.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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38 Responses to Old Mill Rising

  1. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Has anyone ever really woken up and thought, “You know what, I’m going to visit the Old Mill?” Let alone actually done it? Best left to the few remaining Japanese tourists after possibly the world’s lamest ferry ride.


  2. I like the Merry christmas tabbed into the endless closed days. It might as well be Kalamunda. Particularly if it’s cash only.


  3. Where the South Perth train station should be.


  4. you'll get wet says:

    There use to be a fairly decent small fake mill near the Causeway with a stone lion stretched in front. From front paws to chin was the length of a large brown beer bottle, so one was regularly placed there for the beast to suckle, with or without brown paper bag. Somebody’s gotta have a photo of it.


    • Yes I remember that. There was one on Great Eastern Highway rivervale too I remember. Was either a Brisbane and Wunderlich tile promo thingy?


    • janezee says:

      Isn’t it still there? There’s definitely a wishing well. I could investigate.


      • vegan says:

        brisbane and wunderlich promotional display, fairly certain it is still there. it was one of a number of such displays to promote their products. there is a little brick and tile cottage down by the river in belmont, just near abernethy road, on the river side; and the remnants of a children’s wonderland moved from stirling highway to dog swamp.


        • Snuff says:

          This is 14 years old, but it does feature a detailed history of the Windmill and Wishing Well.


          • janezee says:

            Jesus fuck Snuff, talk about defending the indefensible, I specially like the bit discussing its “high degree of authenticity” which is a bit of a reach being as how it is a fake windmill


        • janezee says:

          It’s totally still there, I saw it a couple of hours ago. Not sure you can do anything other than drive by it though, it’s bounded by John Hughes in all directions

          We used to call that Midland Brick mini house in Belmont the Easter bunny’s house for some reason. Was there something similar in kings park visible from Thomas St?


  5. juantrak says:

    I can’t wait for the $20M redevelopment of the Old Mill – which redevelopment will prominently feature a $15M gold-plated bust of the Little Emperor, gazing fondly across Perth Water at another giant-size gold-plated bust of himself, mounted prominently in front of his other monument to his glory – that waterfront eyesore known as Elizabeth Quay.


  6. you'll get wet says:

    Yes! Brisbane and Wunderlich! And Wiki says, in relation to Lance Brisbane of B&W, so it must be true …

    Wembley Ware[edit]

    In 1946 Brisbane and Wunderlich created a range of decorative crockery called Wembley Ware. The range was Brisbane’s brainchild. The first product was the Cruet Set. To avoid paying a high sales tax the piece was fashioned into a salt and pepper shaker and a mustard dish. It was extremely popular, and hundreds more pieces of functional fancy tableware and other items followed, such as ashtrays in unusual shapes.[2]

    The Old Mill[edit]
    In 1957 there was a confrontation between the state government and conservationists when it was discovered the ruins of Shenton’s Mill lay in the path of the proposed Narrows Bridge and Freeway. After a win for the conservationists, the State Government ordered a change in the Freeway Route, and Brisbane funded the reconstruction and upgrading of the Mill as a folk museum.[3]

    Wembley Ware! The Cruet Set!

    Deserves a Retro-Worst


  7. you'll get wet says:

    Oh God it’s all true. Arunta ashtray. Wembley Ware Aboriginal and Boomerang ashtray on E-Bay for $40.

    Says carters.com.au – ‘The now unfashionable ashtray, often mounted with an ANIMAL, was a signature piece of Wembely Ware.’

    What, no Charles Court ashtray? A Gina or Colin ashtray?


  8. GivDBird says:

    Can you still buy white powder there?


  9. you'll get wet says:

    I like the Crayfish serving dish, it would go well with the rubber Tiger Prawn I scored from the Museum shop.


  10. Slanderer says:

    So I’m first on the Worst Categories list? Shirley not teh worst of the worst? Blushes, etc.


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