Outrage Sunday 156 Christ Stopped at UWA

And Jesus spake: “Dudes, the hangings for the court, its pillars and its sockets, and the screen for the PowerPoint, its cords and its pegs and the laver for the service of the tabernacle, for the tent of meeting – it was all in the fucking rider emailed to you yesterday”. And the students were woeful, and lamented “Lord JC, we Googled laver but were none the wiser”. And Jesus was sore angry, and spake, “You are worse than ECU, at least they had decent audio-vis” and he left the Land of U-Dub and walked across the water to the Ur-Raffles. studentsforchrist

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6 Responses to Outrage Sunday 156 Christ Stopped at UWA

  1. Sir Bill International says:

    Dude, dude, dude. SIr Dave O’Lamo. The exegesis, or exit Jesus if you prefer.


  2. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Commodore v lecture theatre?


    • skink says:

      in remembrance of Peter Brock, who died on this date, I notice that the trees are commemorating his death by crashing into Perth living rooms.


  3. Plonka says:

    As an atheist, I’ve had a real education over the last few days. I’ve learned more about religion in a week than I have for the past 40 years! I propose that Google is God, for It knows everything.


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