
Luna Park Melbourne. By Expat Holly. Collingwood teeth by the looks. They’re the Freo Thunder of Melbourne btw.



About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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14 Responses to Luna

  1. Plonka says:

    What is that green thing in the background? Is it a cactus? Or is it an archetypal cocos? Possibly a Triffid? Disturbing.


  2. richarbl says:

    Fucken Zombies havin fun! Wheres my shotgun? I’ll fix those happy brainless cunts


  3. RubyRuby says:

    It’s just over 35 years since the fire on the ghost train.


  4. Dave says:

    Ahh good ol’ Anul Krap


  5. Plonka says:

    I like the one with an arm for a head. Middle of the picture behind the zombie in red.


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