
A Japanese restaurant has a Royalty card? I don’t want to believe they ordered this on the phone. It would just be too much “me no rikey”. I just think they are planking us. I mean pranking. B

    Skink. Mt Lawley.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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6 Responses to Royalty

  1. skink says:

    I blame Brendon Grylls.


  2. Shreiking Wombat Ninja says:

    Royalty you say? Good thing nobody told Emperor HiHo about the War.


    • Misspent_yoof says:

      Because She-Ra and aLANNAh are the same person, like a kind of before-and-after shot from your worst nightmare. Now that the Alannah side of the equation has retired to a bar somewhere in Canberra, her better-groomed alter-ego is engulfing Vincent as part of the ultimate mega-super-vibrant-ubercitycouncil plan.
      Also she/they know Col Pot is afraid of the She-lannah so he won’t say no.


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