A Morning in Freo

Spent some time in Freo for the first time in ages. Had a breakfast at Common Bread. Bread in Common. Despite having the world’s wackiest wankiest menu (I’d be happy with less Chia seeds) and liquids in jars, (hasn’t that jar thing been played out even in Fremantle? They’d be laughing at this in Kojonup.) it was quite nice. Don’t know why they have such a shitty website. The place looks quite good. Why no photos, particularly of its dark nightclub dunnies?

Saw that the Cockburn flag still flies proud. Can’t quite make out the message though. Probs in Freo dialect.

Tried to go to the new Myers collective, MYRE. There were people in there, but no indication of if it was open. Or what time it opened. Or whether it ever opened. So maybe the first thing these communists might consider is a fucking sign.

Took a break.

Then looked at this.



About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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16 Responses to A Morning in Freo

  1. Shazza says:

    MYRE opens at 10am.


  2. Snuff says:

    Pick, eat and cook. In that order ?

    p.s. No, I would not. I would like to park.


  3. rottobloggo says:

    Hard seat.


  4. billoslatter says:

    Teh richness and ripeness of Freo decor. Fertilised freely with Ecopoop Go Commie Cockers.


  5. orbea says:

    A wonderful tableau of extant FreeManTell


We can handle the worst