
At last Dazza gets it. This is New York style right? I forget. I notice The Dunce from Dalkeith is last on the ballot too. He will be hoping for one reverse donkey vote action. By Mark. An associate of Brendan H. UPDATE, added shot of someone pranking Dazz’s campaign – and campaign style on the arrondissement this morn.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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40 Responses to Finally

  1. Shazza says:

    Fine worsting.

    What’s with the approaching meteor ?


    • Snuff says:

      We’ll find out on Saturday, Shaz.


      • rottobloggo says:

        Are we TWoPing the election? Or will something else be turning and turning in the widening gyre?


        • I was going to try and avoid it. I don’t think this will be the one for the true believers.


          • I have added a pic of someone pranking Darryl’s campaign and campaigning. Had a UWA shirt on I think.


          • Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

            Don’t stick your head in the sand. It’s needed for sandbags in the upcoming civil war.


          • Bill O'Slatter says:

            Address to the Nation
            The “Sex Appeal” electioneering is over, The corflute ,bunting and Clive Palmer’s juicy arse have been put away.Both parties have backed up their trucks of goodies.The Australian polity is carefully picking through the middle class warfare welfare and counting. Just look at it all.Five volumes of the Gonskis, the NBNs, the NDISs, the parental leave schemes, the “stop the boats and invade Indonesia” , the “dismantle the peedo Rupert Murdoch propaganda apparatchiks”, the Climate Changes, the gay marriages and your big, gaping, fiscal, black hole, its yawning chasm of broken dreams and promises sitting at the back of the truck along with “Realidies of the opportunidies for the humanidies in the communidies” Gruelia de Jillhardisms, the sexisms , and look at the cardboard pop up of the reffo kiddy going overboard , falling into a sea of floating ,angry, frusterated, stymied public servants , their cardigans and tired white shirts making swimming impossible.

            Is it all inappropriates ? Is Australia to be declared bankrupt and wound up? Will the greedy, ignorant polity , its bloatedness of Ginny Rhindheart proportions ,ever stop whining and be satisfied ? Who know , who care.
            Vote Boat [1]
            Vote Stupeedo [1]
            Vote Croney Boney [1]
            Vote Roads Scholar [1]
            Let’s pronounce this idiot fest open
            Written and authorised by Bill O’Slatter on behalf of the Conealition.


  2. Rolly says:

    How much did you have to pay the ‘artist’?


  3. skink says:

    For the length of this campaign, whenever I pass one of Dazza’s posters I get this tune going through my head:

    from 8min 09sec

    ‘Darryl Moore, Darryl Moore, riding through the land,
    Darryl Moore, Darryl Moore, without a merry band,
    he steals from the poor, and gives to the rich,
    stupid bitch.’

    this redistribution of wealth is trickier than I thought


  4. vegan says:

    young miss vegan talked about ‘drawing a penis on his forehead’ (pronounced four head).

    posh perth.


  5. GivDBird says:

    …and whats with the fucken legs in the window? Pegs?!?


    • Snuff says:

      The peglegs ? He’s making an extra special effort to ignore the subtle ‘non-verbal and non written’ stuff that goes on during a negotiation, ensuring that he doesn’t get rolled by that particular and common tactic. They absolutely do not like it when they realise he’s unwilling to play their gameoes.


  6. Bill O'Slatter says:

    Court in the Act.,the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 ,S328 and S329.


  7. Misspent_yoof says:

    Dazza’s posters will soon be gone, and Clive will be the new PM after a massive backlash against the two major parties and the lunatic fringe (the other lunatic fringe, I mean – the Greens, not Palmer United). Twerking will be taught in schools and every town will have an animatronic dinosaur built and maintained by the federal government.


  8. Anonymous says:

    You guys really need to go see


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