Peel Safery

Bento likes that this Peel murotard manages to create a feeling of menace and disquiet with its floating crane, nuclear cockatoo and frog. It has the feeling of unsafery to me. No banana peel accidents? Peel? Banana peel? And are those Masonic or even Toltec symbols?peel

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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13 Responses to Peel Safery

  1. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    I’m not sure I would be standing around with my hands in my pockets with giant frogs emerging from Crabtown’s far canals.


  2. skink says:

    that cockatoo looks like John Cooper Clarke


  3. Bill O'Slatter says:

    The unidentified species frog ( see has a fire up its arse, so no wonder its in a hurry to get out of the canal.
    The black cockatoo (Uranium in the cranium) is the endangered red tail so full marks there.(see ).
    The FIFOs may be endangered by ignoring OHS procedures and falling ore prices.


  4. Bento says:

    Is that a MIG targeting the forklift?


  5. Misspent_yoof says:

    perhaps the radioactivity has contributed to the cockatoo growing larger than the forklift.
    Meanwhile FIFO’s fiddle while the frog’s bum burns.


  6. rottobloggo says:

    Where are the Dockers?


  7. GIv says:

    Needs more knothole


  8. Pingback: Ashes to ashes | The Worst of Perth

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