Weekend Worstoff 230

The registered lawn of Ascot by Ewen – on Railway Stakes Day.
But the salad option is still available right? RIGHT?! By Gareth T.maccas
And Bassendude tries to imagine how this Morley carpark layout could possibly work when full. If the Classic Motor Trimmers get a rush on…
Worst well.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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24 Responses to Weekend Worstoff 230

  1. Snuff says:

    How right you were, TLA. I wonder whether they were celebrating a win or compensating for their losses. Or maybe just reminiscing ?

    And I don’t know why they’re apologising. Looks like their inconvenience management is pretty good, notwithstanding that a list of available products might have been shorter.

    Also; that’ll buff out.


    • Oh, I was right. And how do you find these things?


        • Martin says:

          As we were fleeing the hellish scene that was Ascot we did spot this charming couple expressing their “love” in a very public fashion.
          I have taken the liberty of calling this race, using the barrier draw from the Railway Stakes;
          Starting the race well with a “Lord’s Ransom” of “Mr Moet”, leads into “Playing God” with “Rosie Rocket” (in your pocket). “Fat Al” is feeling “Lucky(grey)” and gets a late burst, while “Our Ol’ Fella” finishes strongly bringing up the rear…


  2. rottobloggo says:

    I would say something but I’m short of stock.


  3. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Stay classy Perth. Don’t lose that small town charm.


  4. Rolly says:

    “Well, fuck me!” she said and he, being a true gentleman and always willing to oblige a damsel in distress, disregarding the inconvenience and exposed location, came immediately to her rescue.


  5. orbea says:

    Surely this is just an Inseminators 2012 prank


  6. Anonymous says:

    But what is MrCicken to a child’s life, I ask you.


  7. I always order McChicken without the sauce anyway.


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