Carpet Brain, Smart Place

Mug Punter documents the  incredible transformation of Carpet Space to Smart Space. It’s like some kind of transformer – that had a minor rebadging and ended up as a carpet shop. A recycling of letters is suggested, but wherefore the extra “Ss”? How spaced were the carpets? How smart are the spaces? Fascinating. Wait, they’ve got a Tonka toy letterbox. Do they think they’re in Carlisle? William Street Perth.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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30 Responses to Carpet Brain, Smart Place

  1. Bartender's Skills with a Manhatten says:

    I didn’t think that color existed outside of H.P. Lovecraft stories where said color leeched the life out of New England farms.


    • NF#1 says:

      Or the colour of the poet Edward Derby’s face when he realises exactly what Asenath Waite, his wife, might actually have been.


  2. Bento says:

    In Perth, you’re never more than 50 metres from a cocos.


  3. PeteF says:

    That’s an ominous looking cocos, reminiscent of Darch


  4. Joel T says:

    Re: the Cocos bylaw, I’m fairly certain the Bayswater council has a similar law regarding frangipanis on the books. Ubiquitous ain’t the word.


  5. janezee says:

    Highly registrable lawn, too


  6. UWA Fresher says:

    I like pissing on passed out girls.


  7. The Legend 101 says:

    Is that carpet shop in Morley?, it looks famillar.


  8. DeptiMahajan says:

    Carpet Perth


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