Wattsie & Martin do Maylands

Audiophile Natalia Fan#1 shows off more of his collection with Wattsie and Martin at The Maylands Town Hall with the two unaccountably popular and universally terrible 1970s Perth radio Stars. The album is beyond appalling. Idiotic and unfunny. All I can remember is “Shaving Cream”. I don’t know if they did Bang Bang Lulu, but I expect so. There is a joke book too where some really lovely Paul Rigby illustrations/cartoons underscore further – if that’s possible the lack of humour in the text. (Does anyone else find the insert to be reminiscent of The Legend 101’s banter?) Even TWOP’s favourite doctor, Peter Harries ( PhD WC) gets stuck into the Wattsie and Martin of this era, saying in his thesis no less, ” In the 1970’s, radio ‘stars’ Barry Martin and John K. Watts were given a Tonight type show, which followed the usual format of guest artists, gags and a small musical combo. ‘…Wattsie and Martin did a series of Tonight shows which was an abomination. Just so bad.’”
Two abominable characters best forgotten. Such a pity Paul Rigby died and Wattsie and Martin lived on. 

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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86 Responses to Wattsie & Martin do Maylands

  1. Frank Calabrese says:

    Try recorded live to Tape at Martin Clake’s Studios in North Fremantle which were later sold to Will Upson and are still in business today – though not by will.

    They lifted a Single off this their version of Chattanooga Choo Coo with lyrics changed to Indian Pacific backed with their version of The Marrow Song which was a hit in the East for Fantasy, who were Johnny Farnham’s Band. This single didn’t chart as it only got airplay on 6PM and I believe that there were stil boxes of singles when they moved to 6PR which thney were still trying to flog off in the 80’s.

    Wattsie has got this Album transferred to CD which he uses when appearing as a guest on radio.

    Of Course the Maylands Town Hall is now the Maylands Public Library.


    • Anonymous says:

      He never tried to flog them off. Just a few were made and they were for give aways on their breakfast show (6PM). He does have it on CD but it has never been played on any other station. Yeah you are right about the Maylands Town hall


  2. Frank Calabrese says:

    Speaking of Barry Martin, Here is a video of him renewing his vows bu his Best Man and former General Manager of 6PM George Chapman.

    Kenny rgers eat your heart out.


  3. Frank Calabrese says:

    And Here’s Wattsie:

    The Kingsize Menswear Blooper Reel.


    • Snuff says:

      Nice one, Frank. As an actor, Polly makes a superb handballer. Anyone else remember the footage of him handballing through car windows ?

      Speaking of sharp contrasts, this is a great post, TLA. Farmer, Clarke, and Rigby were all as brilliant in their respective fields as Wattsy and Martin weren’t.


  4. The Legend 101 says:

    Is this a new play?


  5. And for Manhattes Barkeep interest, I think the cartoonist Paul Rigby worked on Murdoch New york papers in 80s.


  6. shazza says:

    Makes Max Kay look like a comic genius.


  7. Russell Wolfe's Lovechild says:

    Watties and Martin – fond memories of a simpler time when Perth was even more fucked than it is now. Only we didn’t realize it.


  8. “Watt’s an ex copper to do,
    cept try a stand up coup
    Cause in sleepy Perth town
    There’s just no place for a comedian”
    Apologies to Jagger and Richards.


    • Bag O'Turnips says:

      I’m sure that Wattsie and Martin would sound no better if their show was recorded on a cheap mono cassette recorder to get that lo-fi effect as per “Street Fighting Man”.


  9. RubyRuby says:

    What’s going on at T_E PUB this morning? ross’s Auctions all over it…


    • Grrr says:

      I thought T_E PUB had been Vanish Worsted and renamed La Brasserie?
      They’re probably ripping out all of the fittings, putting Asahi on tap and giving it a makeover ala Eighteen 98 or the Rangeview.

      It’ll probably end up being called Wave or WVE in the great Perth tradition of BLVD, Joondalup, and LDV, Leederville.


  10. Grrr says:



    (I always thought the Maylands Library was always the library.)


  11. The only thing more depressing than Perth- Perth history :(


  12. WarriorTom says:



  13. Ron says:

    Can anyone please tell me where I can buy/get a copy of Wattsie & Martin doing The Marrow Song; Day Trip to Rotto; Indian Pacific; and Shaving Cream. Thanks


  14. Guest says:

    Mmmmmm ended up here on a search of the net for Day trip to Rotto. Those where the days LOL. As for breakfast shows nothing has and I think ever will beat the eagle morning zoo in Perth in the late 80’s. It’s a shame they chucked a mental when they couldn’t get the FM spot just look at them now it’s just sad IMHO!


  15. Anonymous says:

    I’ve just bought a copy of Day Trip to Rotto at the Record & CD Fair last weekend. It’s the B-side to Bazza & JK’s Shaving Cream single. The record label shows Day Trip To Rotto as being by T.C. and the Moonshine Band. TC would be Trevor Carlson


  16. Anonymous says:

    Let me ask you some questions! Have you every done a city radio station Breakfast show? Did you ever score 51% over all demographics in the WA radio surveys? Have you ever been on TV. Have you ever helped anyone, like donating your time for nearly 20 years on TVW 7 Telethon or STW 9 Appealathon? Were you under contract to write comedy for Bob Hope ( I suppose you are happy that he is dead too) for over 15 years? Did you every record an album? Have you ever written a book? Have you written footy league songs for 3 different clubs and still today they are the clubs songs? Did you ever write a proposal that is now in place, oh they are call the West Coast Eagles? Have you ever owned businesses like a network of stations. I could go on but I can tell this does not interest you. Anyway mate, 51% of Perth enjoyed them and in future its really not to cool to wish someone dead. Lets see in another 40 years what you have done, maybe you might even have people saying you were “The Worst of Perth”!


  17. Sir Bill International says:

    Let’s settle the matter of Wattsie writing for Bob Hope. “In 1978, Bob Hope jumped at the opportunity to have the Channel Seven [Perth] crew and facilities free of charge to produce his annual NBC special.” To this end Wattsie supplied approximately 30 jokes for local colour inlcuding an unfortunate one about Balga.
    Was Bob Hope funny ?


  18. Reblogged this on The Worst of Perth and commented:

    I’m vale-ing Wattsie on this holiday, remembering when the great man stooped to be baffled by The Worst of Perth. Did you ever write a club song???? Well did you?


  19. CliffBrett says:

    They were the greatest

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Anonymous says:

    Fucking jealous aresoles


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