Ride on

Matt claims this was the best ride at the Royal Show. Was it $15 per Matt? Actually they should have made it $80 a go, the hook being that you get to stand up and walk away afterwards.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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51 Responses to Ride on

  1. The Legend 101 says:

    Did anyone try it?


  2. skink says:

    did they break your legs first? is there a farmer stood just out of shot with an axe-handle?

    fastest wheelchair over a hundred yard dash gets a subsidy


  3. sharon says:

    This is possibly the worst worst of all worsts.


  4. MattB says:

    On the Royal Show… 3-D glasses for watching the fireworks. A genuine worst.


  5. Bartender's Skills with a Manhatten says:

    This seems a clear reference to the carnival in “Father Ted”.

    Next up: “The Tunnel of Goats.”


  6. Snuff says:

    Ah yes, Funland. Freak Pointing, The Ladder, Whirly-Go-Round, The Pond of Terror, Spinning Cat, Duck Startling, and of course, the Crane of Death.


  7. WarriorTom says:

    Spastics only.


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