Weekend Worstoff 170

Bento shows the effete state of footy, when quince paste can assuage finals fever. They might as well wear berets too. I see it’s Maggie Beer brand, remember her from “The Chef and the Biddy?”finals footy

Manhattes Barkeep sends this article on the state of TWOP Hudson Valley clubhouse Halcyon Hall.

L.A.G. sends this house in South Fremantle, which is kind of cool I think. Not worst? It is terrible yes, (dude who spaced your balcony bits?) but still has something. Those fuck off shutters always add class.Mark sends  a still life.And he also sends a beautiful shot of Meekatharra. Pure art.Worst well.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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37 Responses to Weekend Worstoff 170

  1. shreiking wombat says:



  2. rottobloggo says:

    Oct 1 deadline for Halcyon Hall! It might be in for a (quince) pasting…


  3. The Legend 101 says:

    They call a quince pastry Footy food, The ultimate footy food is a Meat Pie with Coke or Hot Dogs and Beer. Is That Woolworths if it is there always packed on Saturday Morning with random people being arrogant and not moving the big trolleys because you need to get in the dumb checkout!. All Said!


  4. WarriorTom says:

    Phoaargghhh… quince paste, eh? Anyone fancy a taste of my quince paste?


    • WarriorTom says:

      Last night I dreamt
      That somebody loved me
      No hope, but no harm
      Just another false alarm

      Last night I felt
      real arms around me
      No hope, no harm
      Just another false alarm

      So, tell me how long
      Before the last one ?
      And tell me how long
      Before the right one ?

      The story is old – I KNOW
      But it goes on
      The story is old – I KNOW
      But it goes on

      Oh, GOES ON
      And on
      Oh, goes on
      And on


        • RubyRuby says:

          Not if he doesn’t push back, amirite, WT?


          • WarriorTom says:

            I got pictures of naked ladies
            Lying on their beds
            I whiff that smell and sweet convulsion
            Starts a-Swelling inside my head
            I’m making artificial lovers for free
            I start to howl I’m in heat
            I moan and growl and the hunt drives me crazy
            I fuck like a Beast

            I come round, round i come feel your love
            Tie you down, down i come steal your love
            I come round, round i come feel your love
            Tie you down, down i come steal your love

            I’m on the prowl and i watch you closely
            I lie waiting for you
            I’m the wolf with the sheepsskins clothing
            I lick my chops and your tasting good
            I do whatever i want to, to ya
            I’ll nail your ass to the sheets
            A pelvic thrust and the sweat starts to sting ya
            I fuck like a beast

            I come round, round i come feel your love
            Tie you down, down i come steal your love
            I come round, round i come feel your love
            Tie you down, down i come steal your love

            Come ride, savage seduction
            Ride, ride, ride


  5. Bartender's Skills With A Manhatten says:

    I like the house. Very Venturi.


  6. Bento says:

    Why you should never pay a ‘per balustrade’ rate.


  7. Rouei says:

    Does anyone else find the deserted auto-dump in Meeka a little disturbing? I blame this bloody economy, squeezing out the little fellas. Last I was there you couldn’t see the red dirt for the broken down fords and little kids (so dirty you can’t tell the difference between the aboriginals and white kids, they all run in the same pack and they’re all the same shade of red). They couldn’t fit a tyre for the work van I was in so I made the trip back with one wheel smaller than all the others, and all the local copper said was ‘least its got tread mate.


  8. skinlessshins says:

    Hahahahaa I know Ripper… a good Aussie bloke – Not Worst.


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