Free Shit

Who sent me this? I’ve lost the email. Has a kind of Pete F James N Dave P. kinda vibe. Yeah. Free shit rules. Also, 2BarRiff. sent me a demo of how desperate Perthtonians are to render cocks. Pathetic really.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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27 Responses to Free Shit

  1. rebalehan says:

    Abysmal cock. Some clever clogs has been through Darlington and done all the street signs into cocks, heaps better than this. I’ll have to get out with the camera


  2. NF#1 says:

    Yeah Jules is getting tired of HR – people, you know? – she’s thinking of opening her own furniture store in what used to be that old internet cafe in Inglewood, selling stuff she’s picked up off the side of the road. I guess you’d call it “real retro,” or “retro real,” or something. “By the Way/Side,” yeah that’s right, that’s what she’s calling it. Could be a gallery as well, I guess – nice idea! You wouldn’t believe what some people just throw out, I mean look at these chairs she got – just like old school chairs – yeah, way before our time, but sooo – you know? Yeah, she just stopped and threw them in the back of the Audi. Can you believe that? All they need is a few licks of electric cyan, shine up the chrome, yeah – would match your espresso machine! Fiona would love it. Jules is a genius like that. You like them? We could do you a deal – how ’bout you do our logo, we could throw them your way for say, um, $200 each? Haha yeah, mates rates. You wouldn’t believe what people pay these days for real retro. Of course you’re invited to the opening!


  3. sharon says:

    Pathetic indeed, as is the speed being suggested. I’ll bet not even a Sunday driving nanna takes that bend at 25.


  4. Pete says:

    Hmm, early 20th century immigrant nostalgia chairs, huge verge, trees & open sky – I’d say Bassandean through Midland? Not mine although I’d have nabbed those two chairs on the right.


  5. dave p says:

    Taken in the Byford end of White Gum Valley. Watkins St.


  6. Rouei says:

    This is off topic, but I couldn’t help but see the twitter feed on the right of the page- the one about Andrew Mallard- and I’d like to know, TWOP if you actually know his practice? He’s an acquired taste I’m sure but as a good friend of his I’m morally obliged to stand up for him.


    • Some people say the same about my twitter feed. Yes, I saw some works of his at Curtin. I wanted to be able to like them more. In any case, i’ve no doubt that Andrew Mallard murals would be better than whatever does eventually decorate The Chong/Harries Stadium.


      • Rouei says:

        Well, as long as naked men and women becoming one with a psychedelic field of colour representing the universe are acceptable mural topics :D He’s looking into art therapy now you know. Seems somehow appropriate.


        • orbea says:

          $1bn burswood bogandrome to be covered in mallard mural boobies – CFMEU have banned Yves Klein painting method for the bogandrome, “Too much body hair will be removed” says Kevin Reynolds, “But Shelley loved doing this in our apartment.”


  7. The Legend 101 says:

    White Cum Valley is the place for s#@^


We can handle the worst