Freed Freedom

Just a test post really, but I did note that the Freedom Centre has really become free now. Gone are the despotic laminates.Freedom Centre

Chris Lilley no Ben Elton – Ben Elton.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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40 Responses to Freed Freedom

  1. NVL says:



    • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

      God you’re a dick


      • NVL says:

        “Dude it was yesterday”


        You’re a fucking moron.


        • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

          That’s a dangerous game you play there NVL… or perhaps you like having words put in your mouth…


          • NVL says:

            Not as much as you enjoy balls in yours, chump.


            • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

              Gee for someone who considers ‘enjoy balls’ an insult, you sure endorse a lot of effete crap barely suited to an 8-year-old’s bedroom are totally alt enough to use ‘chump’


              • NVL says:

                [meat head]

                “Dude it was yesterday”

                [/meat head]


                • NF#1 says:

                  I’m having a garage sale all this weekend at 260 William St, Northbridge. 30% off if you have a cool tattoo, especially of dice or an 8-ball. Get in early if you’re after any serigraphs. TLA approved.


                  • NVL says:

                    Well then, you should pop in and introduce yourself, I’m just down the street!

                    Description of me : I’m a grown man carrying a box cutter and one of those stanley knives that has the hooked razor blades.

                    Hope you can find me!


                    • NF#1 says:

                      A grown man? Look mate, if we ever did meet I’m sure we’d get along fine. I object to the kind of stuff you stock in the shop, but then again I have plenty of friends with whom I disagree – vehemently in some cases – over matters of art, religion, politics, and so on. I did appreciate what I took to be your conciliatory gesture yesterday, but here’s a hint: if your main purpose in coming here is rampant promotion of your business, you’ve got to expect people to take the piss.


                    • rottobloggo says:

                      The defamation hysteria during TLA’s first absence has not been forgotten, either…


                    • I’m totally baffled by this bickering. Did I miss something somewhere? Doesn’t seem necessary at all.


                    • box cutter #1 says:

                      (this theme won’t let me reply to your comments below, so I’m replying here)

                      I have been visiting this site well before I ever started working for this shop. I have submitted several photos to TLA in years gone by, and had them published. Going back a few years I would guess.

                      Sooner or later, I won’t be working at this shop. It’s a job. It pay’s my bills, it puts food on my plate, etc. But, it’s just a job. My opinions on what we sell, are irrelevant as yours. It’s art, and it’s very popular art. The artists are good people. Genuine people. If you want to “object” to the “sort of stuff” we sell, I’m sure you have your own justification as to why. It doesn’t matter, we’re all dead in the end, and there are much bigger issues to be “objecting” about. Your objections on art tell me a lot about the type of person you (probably) are. Who cares, its just art. Islamic extremists also have objections to art, so do many other religious nut-jobs. Nice company your opinions keep.

                      Lastly, pigeon-holing somebody because of their retail job is a pretty inane thing to do. Obviously, you don’t know me, at all, and have taken the easiest way to an insult you know how. For me, there are bigger targets, and bigger issues, than art. You and the other person here who began his objections to me because I wouldn’t conform to his opinions on art, are really two peas in the pod.

                      What a waste of fucking time this post was.

                      PS, I changed my username to add to anonymity, I wouldn’t want anybody to think I was promoting something.

                      Rottobloggo – defaming this, or any other, business on here, supposedly at my expense, is a bad idea, for me, you, TLA, TWOP, and the owner of this business. The owner has nothing to do with this, as I previously explained, it’s not fair on him. He is an independent, small business, retailer. Thankfully, you agreed, though your comments of “has not been forgotten” indicate that you may have reluctantly removed the defamation. Taking the piss is one thing, a targeted defamation of a third party’s business is very much another.



                    • nataliafan1 says:

                      NVL: Though I disagree fundamentally with your views on art, I do agree that the subject is not worth pursuing any further. I also apologise for some of my less restrained past comments. I can’t speak for anyone else, but let’s drop it, agreed? Peace.


                    • Pete says:

                      Look, will you two stop this posting in narrow, long text. Its way too hard to be bothered reading.


  2. rottobloggo says:

    I love all these buttons!


  3. WAtching says:

    Fix the website dude. When you click into a link, there is no longer a list of the recent comments on the right of the page. Also no longer a list of the twitter feed or most active posts.

    Also ads for ‘Outre.’ (I thought it was ixnay on the utreoay)


    • RubyRuby says:

      Been away, Margaret River, wow, alcohol really helps with the worsts… stand by for more…

      BUT – how do I know what’s been going down here without the recent comments list?

      Change – no problem. Loss of ability to keep up with the cage matches in the comments threads – NOOOO!


  4. skink says:

    this should interest you:

    German conceptual artist creates world’s largest Gilligan hat:


  5. The Legend 101 says:

    What the hell, What Suburb?


  6. Bento says:

    Recent comments not visible on iPhone?


  7. box cutter #1 says:

    NF#1 . Thanks, and yes, peace. Consider it dropped…until the inevitable TWOP post on this business. I can offer a few tips if interested ;)

    (as a side note – TLA, I can’t reply to deep nested comments, the “reply” option just doesn’t show)


  8. box cutter #1 says:

    It’s a nice theme… the look is much slicker, cleaner, but yeah, maybe wait until they iron a few more bugs out.


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