By the Great Satan’s pizzle!

I had trouble typing after seeing this from Pete F. Tears of laughter flowed. It’s like a piece of Wintoning rendered in 3D. Or 2.5D. You must click to view every detail, particularly the skeletal foot functioning as a bull’s pizzle while the other leg and foot are poised to emerge via the back door. Also the grabbing of the Akubra is nice. Note to me: Must do a piece on the Akubra. I’ve always wondered why a fur hat was considered appropriate wear in Australia. This obscenity is apparently stuck on the top pub in Toodyay.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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26 Responses to By the Great Satan’s pizzle!

  1. NF#1 says:

    I was up there several months ago and saw an anniversary exhibition of bits of melted caravans and farm tools. This I suspect has been fashioned from some such remnant of the fires. Someone probably thought “this looks like a bit like a cow” and there we have it. Despite its resemblance to mallee root art, I quite like it. It’s better than that wretched Margaret River cow art anyway.


  2. Snuff says:

    You sure that’s not in Kirklandclate ?


  3. Ruratardian Guernica via Indonesia.


  4. skink says:

    is it art, or is it roadkill?



  5. orbea says:

    Death with akubra
    he does ride a molten steer
    a menu to fear


  6. Pingback: Laver | The Worst of Perth

  7. The Legend 101 says:

    Everything on this site has changed when you leave a comment is wirerd and has your profile and all.


  8. lingy says:

    the pizzle is the foot of a skeletan you fools


  9. Pingback: Sharper look for the rural dude | The Worst of Perth

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