He died for his sins

Mostly the North Vietnamese didn’t destroy churches, but apparently this local priest did a bit of spying for the South on the side, so they bombed it and killed him.

Then someone drew a willy on it.

Quite nicely modelled no? Merry Good Friday. I hope you remembered to stock up on piss.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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18 Responses to He died for his sins

  1. Ljuke says:

    Ah, shit. I forgot to buy copious amounts of booze. The bottleos will be open on Saturday, right? I’m down to 2 Boddigtons and a half bottle of sweet Vermouth.


  2. Shazzanator says:

    A lot of Perth people do travel to Vietnam these days.


    • RubyRuby says:

      Is that to get away from signs in Freo threatening people with fines for vomiting? Tried to video it on our family outing down there the other day – it’s an electronic scrolling digital number – but all the dots didn’t play nice with my camera. What’s the story, Shazza? Too many projectile hurls at mime artists?


  3. The Legend 101 says:

    Jesus did die for us if you know that and are religous and a Merry Good Friday to you to u Lazy Aussie just joking I mean a Happy Good Friday.


  4. Snuff says:

    Lovely shot, TLA. Not worst.


  5. Rolly says:

    Perfect for the times.
    Religion is a load of cock.


  6. Lucky Star says:

    A definite not worst. That first photo is very picturesque TLA. Almost postcard material. Good to see the Perth style disembodied cock is in use around the world. Nicely detailed. You don’t see too many drawn with a clear glans area like this.


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