Teh Dazza Wears Prada

Natalia Fan#1 also sent this in, but since he has been whingeing about it for months, I’ve used a shot from Bento instead. So there it is. Dazza. Was it worth the wait? Well was it punk?Speaking of whingers, Watching has been agitating for this one. The sticker says, “Suck Pedro’s Cock Slut”. For mine, it’s no “I shit on fat chicks” but there you go.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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60 Responses to Teh Dazza Wears Prada

  1. Pete says:

    Is that a ‘late 20th century immigrant nostalgia’ truck?


  2. Bento says:

    Best Worst Ever. It’s a crime that you withheld it from the people for so long, in the face of overwhelming public demand.

    That’s the cover for the 2012 calendar, right there.


  3. Shazza says:

    I don’t see anything wrong with the first.


  4. vegan says:

    i think fat chicks shit on pedro’s cock.


  5. BrownBook says:

    should I know who Dazza is?


  6. The Legend 101 says:

    Brown Book, You remind me of my old music teacher Mrs Armstrong (NO OFFENCE)


  7. Bojelai says:

    I like how the number plate is blurred in the top pic, but clearly readable in the zoomed in second pic…


  8. perthluckystar says:

    Pimped out by bumper sticker. Pedro’s just a classy guy like that.


  9. Bag O'Turnips says:

    Wish Dazza had a liquor licence (that’d send out the wrong message in regards to road safety, especially out Midland way, but it wouldn’t be out of tune in these parts).

    Then I could say “I Did A Deal With Dazza” to “Grab Some Buds”. Now that would be very Midland.


  10. The Bartender's Skills with a Manhatten says:

    Given the grammar of the bumper sticker I believe we are being exhorted to suck Pedros cock slut, who is evidently a slut for cock who answers to Pedros.


  11. Yeast Coast says:

    ‘I sh!t on fat chicks’ is certainly superior material, and surely rural B&S trade? Trumps my ‘Showus Where Y’piss From’ and ‘Up The Bum No Babies’. For subtlety though, in the Land Before Phone Cameras, waiting in a Maccas drive-thru queue I saw my all time fave on the back window of the car in front – ‘Rehab’s For Quitters’


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