The Nollamara Horror

By Krazy Kym. But you don’t ask, because he might recommend this. I very much like the lank but receding serial killer style hair.nollamaraNollamara

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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87 Responses to The Nollamara Horror

  1. The Legend 101 says:

    Why is she wearing it in the store?


  2. Lucky Star says:

    If you’ve ever had the pleasure (I use the term loosely) to shop at the IGA on Nollamara Ave, you’ll know this doesn’t come close to worst. Given some I’ve seen there, this would be considered neat, tidy going out hair and the perfect outfit for doing your shopping in when paired with thongs.


    • Natalia Fan #1 says:

      Nollamara (N)IGA highly rated in some parts for odd range of kitsch imported delicacies: eastern European chocolates and other such. Great worst too, makes me think of this:


      • Lucky Star says:

        I will give Nollamara (N)IGA that much Natalia Fan #1. You can find some hidden treasures there sometimes. Finding Jaffa Cakes after years of not finding them anywhere was exciting for me (yes, I am a simple creature like that!). But for the most part I feel like I need to shower after shopping among it’s unwashed masses.


        • Lucky Star says:

          Oh, and that clip is rather disturbing! Two things you really don’t want to hear in a sentence – “Mummy” and “want to f**k”.


      • Onanist says:

        That clip has given me some great ideas for Valentine’s day!


    • Rolly says:

      Pictures; Please!!


      • Natalia Fan #1 says:

        Threw out the last box unfortunately, which had a puff-plastic map of Serbia or some other Adriatic shithole as a lid.


        • Lucky Star says:

          Sounds like the ones my Dad sends for Christmas. Last lot he sent had cherry chocolates with so much booze in them we felt tipsy from just one. He usually finds them here:

          Greatest collection of products from obscure European countries ever!


  3. shazza says:

    Heh, just saw this a few days ago in a Margaret River Pharmacy. Gave me a chuckle.
    Also took the opportunity while there to bore the pharmacist silly with my outrage that homeopathic ‘treatments’ are able to be flogged there. And that if they must be, for consumer choice, then they should be isolated and labelled appropriately, such as Voodoo Section.
    Rant end.


    • Natalia Fan #1 says:

      So you’re against homos now?


    • RubyRuby says:

      About homeopathy too – there were some “buy now bargains” outside a chemist at Kingsway, Madeley. Past the “expiry date” homeopathic remedies, with active ingredients listed as being 6x or whatever stupid hit it against a saddle water in a coloured bottle thing. Because maybe there will be a molecule of active ingredient *in* it, now? Sorry, it’s past my bedtime, frustration with willful stupidheadedness of modern world is showing…


  4. skink says:

    looks like Nollamara is preparing for a plague of bogan zombies

    remember Rule 2: the double tap


  5. Rolly says:

    It’s a bit like the ‘Slimming’ pills ads. and fitness machines’ promos.
    False advertising.
    They should be using examples like myself:
    Unfit, flabby, yellow toothed, red veined noses, sparse tonsured and shuffling.
    It’s us fat old farts wot snores; due to fat in the airways and red wine allergies that we just can’t quite avoid.


  6. David Cohen says:

    My wife is very observant!

    I am so proud.

    It prompts me to ask: where are Bento’s wife’s flaps?


  7. Bento says:

    It’s sad how old punks are selling their legacy for a mess of pottage. First John Lydon advertising butter, and now this guy flogging snoring rigs in Nollamara.


  8. skink says:

    there was a post about a new small bar in the Maylands strip a while back, and conjecture as to whether it was Lannie McT’s

    she is in Teh West today spruiking her own small bar in the same strip, staggering distance from Chez Skink. Since it’s Lannie’s bar, I expect big measures.

    it’s to be called ‘Swallow’

    no, don’t titter


  9. Bill O'Slatter says:

    Julia does a bit of “night work “. Those arms could bring down a T-Rex.
    Hint : writers are slow , fat and stupid and run like Bruce Willis.


  10. skink says:

    and Crikey today has a tip that Fremantle’s own Ben Elton is hosting a new standup comedy show on Channel Nine next week

    first reports say it makes ‘Hey Hey’ look fresh


  11. Fiona of Mount Lawley says:

    I didn’t have a camera, but there is a good one at the southern end of the Boulevard. Just north of Light Street, on the southbound side (of Alexander Drive of course) someone has posted a sticker which reads “ROFL” over the street name. It is a block or two north of the Light Street intersection, I can’t tell you which street though, inane leetspeak obscures the actual name.


  12. The Legend 101 says:

    Yeah i live near Light St ever heard of Hustler St and the IGA your talking abouts sells wired jellybeans that are xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.


  13. The Legend 101 says:

    Yes i do its between The Strand,Nelligan St and Booker St and if i got this right, i know you your from Greenacre St.


  14. The Legend 101 says:

    Natalia Fan 1


  15. The Legend 101 says:

    yeah you do,then what part of dianella do you live in?


  16. Pingback: Outrage Sunday 32 crouching tiger, hidden nurries | The Worst of Perth

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