Hyperlocal – Like a Fox

Here’s me being interviewed by Paul Bradshaw of the UK’s Online Journalism blog as part of their Hyperlocal Voices series. May also interest those who want the history of TWOP.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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32 Responses to Hyperlocal – Like a Fox

  1. skink says:

    I know you hope to have moved on from bagging The West, but have you seen that TV ad for ‘The New West Weekend.’? it’s ghastly.

    I am not sure what is new about the weekend paper, since it seems to be the same people doing the same things. Maybe they are arranged in a different order, or have a thrilling new masthead.

    The ad shows West journos wearing too much make-up, sitting on a series of big cut-out letters that spell out the newspaper, and pretending that we are all going to hang out together at the weekend like the cast of ‘Friends’. Thankfully Nurry and Castlearse are not there: they have concentrated on the young, good-looking staff, and Rob Broadfield.

    it’s bad enough that they make me yell expletives at the newspaper, now they have me shouting at the telly.

    since when do newspapers need to advertise on the TV? A television advert begging you to buy two hundred pages of print ads


  2. vegan says:

    apparently there’s a whole weekend’s reading in the saturday edition.

    if you like a 15 minute weekend.


  3. Paracleet says:

    All this is a distaction from the real issue: Are we going to Trade Mark ‘Hatemongering Morons’?


  4. Snuff says:

    Here’s the text version of Annabel Crabb’s excellent AN Smith lecture in journalism, which she delivered tonight at Melbourne Uni.


  5. Pingback: The severed claw | The Worst of Perth

  6. Frank Calabrese says:

    Mr Denmore has other ideas on Crabby Annabel – whose unhealthy obsession with one A Abbott should set Alarm Bells ringing !!!



  7. The Legend 101 says:

    A sports reporter from Germany has been hit in the head by footballs in public TWELVE TIMES!. No seriously one player said sorry and gave her flowers but the other players didn’t. You really think she’d consentrate and watch herself the crazy idiot!.


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