Play Mistral for me

A worst by Natalia Fan #1. Mt Lawley

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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56 Responses to Play Mistral for me

  1. orbea says:

    ariel is such a slut


  2. orbea says:

    hang on, is her name emilie? i got her flyer in the junkie post, newly arrived from france, hot, liberated etc, willing to do housework and that, omg what a find, a western french speaking au pair who will do whatever western bogan parents could wish for, how could we be so stoooooopid? can teach french and she’s 24 (riiight)


  3. Caribou Bob says:



  4. Mez says:

    please, please, may I be the first to say – ummm….


  5. Shreiking Wombat says:

    Suddenly I feel so sad.


  6. Onanist says:

    If she’s French, wouldn’t her name be Amelie?
    I could get her into a whole heap of trouble.
    Can you email her number to me LA – I want my phone and heater back!


  7. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

    It reads like she’s pleading for her life. I like that…


    • Yes, great for a babysitter. Probably means she won’t abuse here liquor cabinet privileges.


    • My name is xxx xxxxxxx. I have been kidnapped by The Shining Path. They say if I do not sell 1000 Mistrals this month I will have to perform dental work on their commanders. I have written references from The Fark and Taliban. Please. have never been in trouble before…


      • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

        Please. I don’t know when I’ll next be chained to the filing cabinet and able to steal library card dividers. Maybe never. I have a national police clearance.


      • Snuff says:

        I actually got away with the following conversation many years ago, TLA. I knew they had nothing on me, and I wasn’t in the mood.

        Mr Plod : Have you ever been in trouble with the police before ?

        Smartarse young me : Before when ?

        Mr Plod : Umm. What ?

        Smartarse young me : Before when ?

        Mr Plod : Well … before now.

        Smartarse young me : Are you suggesting I’m in trouble now ?

        Mr Plod : No, no … it’s just …

        Smartarse young me : Oh, good. Now, how can I help you ?


  8. shazza says:

    I wonder who she has written references for?


  9. ronggly says:

    It’s Grisette, from Perpète-lès-Oies.


  10. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

    oh wow, that’s a first draft on the back…


  11. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    It’s a shame that you all can’t see the waxy, dead-eyed expression on “Ariel’s” face. Would not be out of place in Madame Tussauds, possibly in the murderers’ gallery.


  12. Paracleet says:

    Our Nikki taken down a peg or two?


  13. Onanist says:

    This came to me on Twitter, one of them may be Amelie, NSFW:


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