The Stingray of Capitalism Part 2

I saw this at the other end of the art market, although I suspect the ends are the same. $11000 reduced to $5000. Fucking horrible. This is from phone. Not sure if this photo works.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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94 Responses to The Stingray of Capitalism Part 2

  1. Shreiking Wombat says:

    $5000? What’s it made of? Polished turtle turd?


  2. Cookster says:

    Indeed, the turtle’s head. Is it touching cloth?


  3. skink says:

    there was a sketch on “Not the Nine O’clock News’ where Mel Smith goes into a gift shop and lovingly handles all the glass animals deciding which one is best, then buys it.

    he then smashes it on the floor and jumps up and down on the pieces screaming “I hate it, I hate it!”


  4. monkeypants says:

    wow – now we’re talking worsts! back to your core product and it’s great to see!


  5. Natlalia Fan #1 says:

    I highly recommend this clip:


  6. Pfortner says:

    looks like a morph effect from Species 1


  7. Paracleet says:

    Fuck me drunk thats appalling. It should be roped to the leg of the artist and the pair of them shoved off a jetty.


  8. billfo says:

    bloggo hoey’s got a piece on david cohen as well some sick photo sculptures yuckkk!!!!!


  9. billfo says:

    his page. absolute crap lousy lousy artist and had his shit all over cottesloe beach other day til authorities booted him off. yay!!!!!!!


    • skink says:

      what? hoey was exhibiting himself in public and we didnt get an invite?

      and nobody got a photo?


    • shazza says:

      Oh My Fucking God. Hey poor lisa, you get a mention too.

      I had no idea this Hoey guy was so mentally pearshaped Honestly, that is real pathology. Wow! Just wow!


      • vegan says:

        anyone care to share the blog address?

        mr hoey was before my time here.


        • vegan says:

          ffs, all i asked for was the blog address!

          of you know who.


            • Pfortner says:

              wow, most of his ‘work’ is pure shit (what’s with the pixel pr0n) but there’s some top-notch MSpaint going on


            • vegan says:

              damn, webfilter won’t allow me the pleasure.


            • Pfortner says:

              Both groups have tried to milk me for all their worth and have sought to manipulate and play games with my life to suit their own purposes [have been constantly stalked by ‘Pop princesses’ such as britney spears, beyonce, lady gaga, robbie williams ‘Pink’ etc etc etc, all having their little say on my life in one way or another, along with japanese super-millionaires with purist japanese nationalist agenda’s as well the christian right fringe like opus dei with their resurgent christian Popist/heirarchist motivations and by other extreme right christian anglican/protestant nationalist groups like the Masons a cult-like group of covert individuals that revere ‘whiteness’ no matter the skin color of their brethern so long as they share whiteness on the inside, the Masons are driven by a philosophical outlook that requires all within the realms of the anglo cultural empire whether they like it or not, [esp certain individuals] be made to submit to the Masons idea of ‘puritanical whiteness’ ie., the view that the shineing glory of god is radiated out from beneath the reigning english monarchs behind [whomever that happens to be at the time] and any who happen to not accord with this puritanical mindset will almost certainly be bloody well madeover to fit this mindset soon enough all for the greater glory of the british empire and anglo-protestantism everywhere.
              This includes the evangelist element of america such as mel gibson the scientology brigade like tom cruise/ john travolta and over the last few years have noticed a right-wing Indian element attempt to incorporate or use aspects of my writings with which to enhance their own Hindu nationalist motivations-namely certain hollywood script writers for instance-and have been fairly overtly stalked by these groups of people.


            • shazza says:

              Stalking and trying to control his life for our own evil purposes?

              I now understand why all comments pertaining to him await moderation.


            • Natalia Fan #1 says:

              At least Gregorius knows how to deploy the word “cunt”. Otherwise his Myspace blog entry is a truly singular display of self-pity and misplaced resentment. Cunt.


      • skink says:

        I believe the correct phrase is ‘buttersnap shitfuckery’

        which kind of stalker are you: Christian right-wing freak, italian, or opus dei?


      • poor lisa says:

        Fucking hell. Hoey vs … L. Aussie, D. Fucking Outrage Cohen and P. Lisa
        I guess I’ll see you in court.


      • vegan says:

        not only a mention, there are at least two ‘paintings’ – quite disturbing.


        • poor lisa says:

          They could be very good likenesses for all anyone knows.


          • shazza says:

            I was thinking Miss Piggy Wants Rights pl.


            • poor lisa says:

              They’re about all those women who control our media aren’t they.


              • skink says:

                naked wonky women with purple flesh, red nipples and an angry growler?

                I guess you didn’t see this work of art in your honour, Lisa:


                for a misogynist, he doesn’t half spend a lot of time imagining them naked

                there is some nazi stuff in there that really does require sectioning


                • shazza says:

                  Fuck! I missed that.

                  That’s love pl.


                  • Mez says:

                    “Dear cousin,
                    I got your letter
                    It was more than i thought i deserved
                    Well she sounds perfect, all i dream of
                    And i dream about so much it is absurd
                    But when i get there and she sees me
                    I’ll be impressed if she does not run screaming

                    My kind of love is an ugly love
                    But it’s real and it lasts a long, long time

                    I had a thought while i was sleeping
                    And i dreamed about a place for us to rest
                    Eternity under the old oak tree
                    But i go too far i guess
                    Maybe i’ll think about tomorrow
                    And maybe i can get her to stay that long

                    ’cause my kind of love is an ugly love
                    But it’s real and it lasts a long, long time

                    And if she finds me so repulsive
                    She wouldn’t be the first to wretch
                    Well i decided one day long ago
                    I was never gonna be the greatest catch
                    And if she cares about the car i drive
                    Then she can get in hers
                    The moment i arrive

                    ’cause my kind of love is an ugly love
                    But it’s real and it lasts a long, long time”


                    • Mez says:

                      sorry, should have credited: Eels


                    • shazza says:

                      That’s a really touching quote Mez. I must avail myself of some

                      (BTW I just today finished Boy On A Wire, which I also thought to be quite good)


                    • Mez says:

                      Taking into account the usual conciets that semi-autobiographicals come with, not a bad read. Hope he polls higher than Silvey.
                      (BTW failed in my attempt to photograpg Buff J, was a little early home from work and couldn’t be fucked going back at 6 but took some shots of the the bunker and as soon as I can be bothered working out how to photobucket, I will post a link).


                    • Natalia Fan #1 says:

                      Very nice work Mez. Certainly beats the embittered email I write to my ex a few minutes ago. Somehow I’m reminded of the Beasts of Bourbon song Hard For You.


                    • Natalia Fan #1 says:

                      That should be “beats”, and “wrote”, not “write”.


                • Natalia Fan #1 says:

                  Imagining naked ladies is surely part one moment (in the sense of a non-independent part) of misogyny?


    • Pfortner says:

      Sounds like fair game to me. Check out the stuff he likes – I edited it to make it even more douchey and POPULAR PENGUAN-ey

      californication-mythbusters-bold & the beautiful-tmz-old episodes of bewitched-SBS foreign movies.

      well Bukowski, burroughs and raymond chandler novels.Love balzac! clive james,Graham Greene, le carre anton chekov,tom sharpe,evelyn waugh,hunter s thompson,kerouac[on th road]

      And country music [ especially indi-country ie., not necessarily the redneck version of it.

      think the modern female is much too manipulated thru homosexuals and their own particular agendas.


  10. skink says:

    ooh, I see that mere mention of his name puts the comment in moderation

    DFOC: “Lets face it, it is only by being a total fucken cunt that people like this ever get a head in life.”

    how much head are you getting?


  11. monkeypants says:

    wow – you TWOP punks are awful – goddam, if i knew this stuff earlier i would have taken my gratuitous foul language and innappropriate links elsewhere.

    i need a drink and a cigarette whilst i ponder my blogging future.

    perhaps i should get a myspace blog……….


  12. monkeypants says:

    and my poor spelling too!


  13. David Cohen says:

    Harangued by Teh Hoey and hectored by Teh TWOPs.

    What is a simple gerbalist to do?


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