Form and Obsession

In every work of art the subject is primordial, whether the artist knows it or not. The measure of the formal qualities is only a sign of the measure of the artist’s obsession with his subject; the form is always in proportion to the obsession. Alberto Giacometti

Ham&Eggs saw this near the Pemberton Resource Centre, sent it to Lovely Lentilla who sent it here. Bento saw a the piper in South Australia and without middleman sent it here. Notice that neither took an upskirt shot. The Pemberton one almost has a simple elegance out there in the bush. I don’t entirely dislike it. The bagpiper, not so, although there is some palm frond and glass brick action.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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68 Responses to Form and Obsession

  1. orbea says:

    which tartan?


  2. shazza says:

    I like the quirky Pemberton one.

    But Bento? No up the kilt shot? Regardless it’s a fucking abomination.


  3. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    Since the Pemberton Giacometti already seems popular, I pass on commenting lest charges of elitism arise. Besides, its clear cultural references render frivolous and perhaps even serious critique problematic.

    The piper brings back fond memories of all the “bigs” I observed on an cross-Australia road trip I undertook many years ago.


  4. Pfortner says:

    I really really like the Pemberton one, it has a sort of meek, apologetic look, like it wants to serve me tea-and-toast up the Faraway Tree. Top marks.

    Aye laddie. All I can say is that’s a fucking magnificent sporran.


  5. Adam says:

    That hotel used to be known as (thoughtfully) Scotty’s Motel.,138.603687&spn=0,359.972126&z=16&layer=c&cbll=-34.893407,138.603529&panoid=xforK1b_HWCuuvOaTzSavw&cbp=12,161.37,,0,3.48

    I’ve been driving past it all my life. As god awful as it is, if they pulled it down, I think there’d be outrage.


  6. vegan says:

    the pemberton one has a touch of whimsy i quite like, whilst the piper is just gorgeously, awfully kitsch.

    can’t complain about the lack of up skirt shots in the light of the gosnelss spoon statue.


  7. Shreiking Wombat says:

    Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the barman says “we don’t serve your type here.”

    I know. I should kill myself.


  8. Shreiking Wombat says:

    I’ll just go and soak my head in a bucket of rotting groin rabbits.


  9. Mez says:

    Pembey resource centre muffler art up a tree. I am troubled that the conscensus seems Not Worst. Twisted metal bar, a baked bean tin, two washers and some pig wire… all done in blackface. A problematic worst from me.

    did I mention that it was up a tree?


  10. Mez says:

    the sculpture could be naive to it Shaz but I can’t get the underlying racism of the notorious Red Faces skit out of my head


  11. Pingback: Totes OT. « The Lovely Lentilla.

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