Toilet led vibrancy (ooshta)

This odd display was at Bayswater festival yesterday. Something about climate change, but the toilets didn’t seem to come off the truck to use. I would be inclined to dismiss climate message if I needed a toilet. Odd. They were just sort of, on show. The festival appropriately to the toilet theme was crap. A much better example of Perth toilet ooshta was seen on the way to Bayswater festival. Now tha’s a vibrant Perth bog.toiletstoilet3toiletgrass

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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16 Responses to Toilet led vibrancy (ooshta)

  1. Bento says:

    This post doesn’t show on the main page?

    I can’t work out if they’re pro or anti climate change. There is, however, a certain irony in using a truck to get their message across.


  2. Snuff says:

    Attendances at toilet displays seem to be down this year, TLA.


  3. NVL_II says:

    Can somebody please make a witty observation about the lady in white, camera right, middle photo?

    Thanks in advance.


  4. NVL_II says:

    We have a winner!


  5. Bento says:

    Am I the only one who kind of likes the logo on the truck?


    • shazza says:

      No you are not alone there Bento.

      Oldfart – I can assure you the car does not belong to any of my neighbours. It was a blow-in tradie. Some uncouth type from the outer burbs I imagine.


      • oldfart says:

        Good luck to ya shazza. None in my immediate street either – but have seen some equally choice stickers on some of the flag-waving utes & commodores parked at the Mt Hawthorn shopping centre around ‘Australia Day’. Not just denizens of the outer burbs sadly.


  6. The Legend 101 says:

    I went to forest edge camp in may and i went to the tot at 5am and it stank and the showers where freezing cold.


  7. The Legend 101 says:

    I went to Forest Edge Camp Waroona slept in Dorm 10 with 2 other guys and we arived at 10:00am ish and we where there from May 9-12th.


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