You’re not not hallucinating

Paracleet snapped this car in Victoria Park. I like that even a crackpot car painter can use an apostrophe, unlike Yokine IGA, as visioned by Slanderer. Slanderer also snapped this baffling graphic on the store. I’m sure they’d tell you to stop that if you did that in the store. Slanderer seems to be an IGA lover, as he also snapped the Deli sign at their Nollamara branch. hallucinatehalluc2halltrollhalldeli

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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14 Responses to You’re not not hallucinating

  1. 13th Oyster says:

    Illiterate Grocers of Australia


  2. B.T. says:

    Ahh, worst cars… just in time too, I thought TWOP had gone all cuntcentric again.


  3. oldfart says:

    Baffling trolley graphic? Easy.

    Illiterate Grocers of Australia sign language for Hot Chix …. er Chips.


  4. curious says:



  5. Arc says:

    hippie car there was parked outside my house next to UWA a few times – I think it’s safe to assume they’re a student there.

    I have some much more detailed pics of the delightful paint job as a result, I just have to find the damn things.


  6. mandible claw says:

    Your alway’s welcome at IGA Yokine.


  7. Nigel’s Car!!!


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