Best of The Worst of Perth Twitter

The Best of the TWOP twitter newsfeed. Current news alerts are in the sidebar, or subscribe to them all with The Worst of Perth rss news feed so you don’t miss any gold.

Toolie graveyard halts Rottnest development. The unmarked burial site of 20 Toolies near Kingston Barracks has ended plans for a luxury hote…

New Bunbury Highway already “infested with hillbillies”. Less than a week after the new Perth Bunbury Highway opened, banjo playing bumpkins…

Iran’s Ali Khamenei – fatwah on Kim Hughes “just pulling his chain.” The former Australian test captain said he had no hard feelings despi…

Luke Pomersbach breaks his silence – with a beer fart…

Defence Dept bans rap talk. Diggers shouldn’t be referred to as Diggaz or Diggahz.. Defence personnel should not greet each other as my Diggah…

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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1 Response to Best of The Worst of Perth Twitter

  1. The Legend 101 says:

    If anyone of you have Twitter check the profiles of Wayne Swan and Kevin Rudd. You will laugh for hours its so funny.


We can handle the worst