Fart in Bag

Might as well finish off the week with a couple more varsity shots. The first is one I saw at Curtin. Self explanatory in every way except for why. And Brad sent in some graffiti from UWA. At first I thought it said “Your dog – My Cunt”, but apparently it is a loveheart. Your dog loves cunt. That one is a little more opaque. Am at a conference at Burswood all day. Carmen Lawrence is speaking. So am I.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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51 Responses to Fart in Bag

  1. monkeypants says:

    i wonder if the pooning mask –
    http://pooning-mask.urbanup.com/1754243 – was a natural progression from the fart in a bag?
    kind of makes sense.


  2. curious says:

    i like that the fart bag is pinned to the ground, it’s obviously serious.


    • Bento says:

      In my experience, drawing pins tend to be relatively ineffective against the medium of paving bricks.

      It’s a bit like the ‘Wet Paint’ sign dilemma though, isn’t it? I must admit there would have been a tiny part of my brain that would want to check if there really was a fart in the bag. Probably approximately equivalent to the size of the tiny brain that conceived and implemented the gag, I guess.


  3. Claireee says:

    The fart bag is like that Lotto advert gone wrong. At least the little boy hasn’t lost his manners.


  4. skink says:

    did you inhale?


  5. shazza says:

    Once again the question that comes immediately to mind is how this puerility can be occurring on any university campus.

    Have the benchmarks for uni entrance fallen so low that those responsible for this crass, idiocy are considered our best and brightest?

    No wonder so many of our talented young people move OS after graduation. And what a terrifying thought when you consider the gene pool remaining.

    I seem to have come over all Rollyesque.


  6. danger mae says:

    maybe its some sort of test to judge how gullible and stupid people really are at university. who would really open it?
    besides they asked nicely for someone to smell it.


  7. Search the Web on Snap.com says:


    I see from the news that Curtin and Murdoch staff are planning to go on strike.

    is it because they won’t let you whip the horses, or am I getting confused?

    have you considered that the Fart Bag may have been left there specifically for you by a certain Murdoch student, and the smell in the bag might be Old Turd?


  8. curious says:

    and you would prefer the smacks of ???


  9. Pingback: The Vagrant & The Bag Lady « The Worst of Perth

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