The Ass saw the Eagle

I saw a light, just up ahead
But I couldn’t seem to rise up from my bed
I’m not alone, than I am
People seem to think I’m superman
But I watch for the love
I’m living in the day of the eagle, the eagle not the, dove

Its like a weight, that brings me down
If I don’t move, I’m on the ground
Its in my mind, Its in my soul
Its telling me the things I can’t be told
Its a watch for the love
Living in the day of the eagle, eagle not the, dove

Another day, another night
I want to love, they want to fight
I need the time, I got to be alone
I got to meet a lover on my own
I watch for the love
Living in the day of the eagle, eagle not the, dove
Robin Trower Day of The Eagle

Even the most passionate Eagles supporter couldn’t argue about including this as a bull goose, A Grade worst. The grotto like enclosure, Santa in July, the goalposts – the whole catastrophe! Embleton.

And maybe scroll your screen up and down really fast, or imagine some crash zooming in and out looking at this letterbox while listening to Robin Trower and Day of The Eagle. It’s the only way you’ll be able to make sense of the thing.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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18 Responses to The Ass saw the Eagle

  1. Will be 3/4 of a million views today.


  2. Is this one just too baaaad to get comments? I thought it was an excellent worst.


  3. Someone has just arrived here via a search for “Indian Semen”.
    Oh the pain, the pain of it all.


  4. Richarbl says:

    That letterbox/shrine is a Class A genuine fucking worst! And not just for letterboxes but for the whole of humankind.

    I have not yet decided whether it is worst than Colin Barnett though, as a long time Liberal I am just appalled by this
    feckless fuckwit.


  5. mez says:

    can’t believe that I was away for this post


    Woosha is a God

    Cousins can do no wrong

    Natanuiu – who-ey

    Judd can go and get fucked

    season 2010 bring it on!


  6. Gregoryno6 says:

    An Eagle with King Kong arms is a more powerful deity than Santa. Talk about fucked-up priorities. Like that Eagle will ever deliver a train set on the 25th.
    Delusional bastard.


We can handle the worst