My left nurry

A few months ago I posted about the Yagan statue which has famously lost its head a couple of times. I believed it had been fenced off, but someone pointed out that you could still get to it.  So I took the long trek out to the statue on Heirisson Island through mosquito and kangaroo infested swamps, and yes they can be seen. Perhaps some sort of cravat is called for.  Far more interesting though is the fact that someone seems to have tried to remove his left testicle with an angle grinder. This wasn’t in the news. Or is it artistic licence to try to make his willy look bigger?

unkindest cutyaganneck
unkindest cut

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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6 Responses to My left nurry

  1. I do have to say that despite its failings, this still looks better than anything the artistic criminals The Smiths have done.


  2. Clearly it’s a precision keyhole surgery vasectomy. You nong.


  3. Hovean says:

    I personally find an angle grinder less uncomfortable than waxing.


  4. David Cohen says:

    One of my Post stories last week was on Robert Hitchcock, who’s done a brass bust of Mary Raine: it’s in Hackett Hall at UWA.

    He said he hoped his new creation would be treated with more respect than poor old Yagan.


  5. Snuff says:

    On the bright side, TLA, at least it provided the inspiration for Archie Weller and Sally Riley’s award winning script and film.

    * Language warning. Cover your ears, kids.


  6. Frank Calabrese says:

    Speaking of Yagan, Ken Colbung has been featured in a documentary of the Story of Yaga, and no doubt mentions the statue in question.

    Click to access PP14-15_ATSI_News_April_08_Young_Warrior_Ken_Colbung_tells_Yagans_story.pdf


We can handle the worst