Finding The Father

On this Baby gear shop it says, “Jesus Christ is the only way to the father.” I would be tempted to try a DNA test first. And do I see an outline of one of those ultra sinister fishes on the store? Is there any way to make a shop look more evil than one of those awful fish? Another one from the horror of the Midland Station precinct.


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About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
This entry was posted in worst advertising, worst graphic design, worst sign. Bookmark the permalink.

14 Responses to Finding The Father

  1. The Intellectual Bogan says:

    The overt Christian symbols may be a legacy of the previous occupants of the premises. It used to be one of those slightly creepy religious bookshops (Divine Books, I think it was).

    The question does occur of why the elevated sign (which I’d never noticed before) hasn’t been taken down though.


  2. CK says:

    Quite. Die, Baby Goodie. Die.


  3. That makes more sense. Talk of fathers may be a touchy point to some pram buyers.


  4. lisa says:

    Oh! That is a nasty, nasty image. T’hat’s the worst I’ve seen on here. That’s Midland for you.


  5. Del Quant says:

    But LA, where’s the giant painted image of BG him/her/itself? It makes Bosch look like a Disney cartoonist…


  6. I didn’t get to the far side. I forgot, you did tell me about that. Next time I’m in Midland, which may be some time…


  7. Midlandia says:

    Bogan’s got it right. The previous occupants was Divine Books, a store selling religious books and paraphernalia. In fact, if you look carefully, you can see that the ‘fish’ on the sign is really the emblem on the old sign that was painted over!
    As for why the sign hasn’t been taken down, I’m not too sure. Maybe it’s hard for the business to cobble the cash together to take it down (I’m not entirely sure how good trade would be in that area, after all).


  8. ellaella says:

    That is a riot. The random blog thing brought me here and I’m enjoying your blog tremendously. Especially this post!


  9. Mez says:

    wow – I’d hire a scissor lift and take that sign off their hands for free – thatsa ripper!


  10. I would love to have that sign myself.


  11. The Intellectual Bogan says:

    Well, I suppose as long as you promise to preserve it in all its rust streaked magnificence, cherishing every bit of UV induced plastic degradation and every wobbly bit of frame, I think we can regard you as a worthy keeper of this little bit of our heritage.

    Better get in quick though. Looking carefully, the band around the top bit seems to have come loose. If we get any high winds over next winter, the good people of Midland run the risk of being brained by an evangelical perspex frisbee or two. Would such an event be classified as an “Act of God” I wonder?


  12. Beno says:

    Favoured shop of all British nannies.


  13. greg hoey says:

    Don’t particularly want the father its his lovely daughter I been awaiting to see!


  14. Ollie Lindsell says:

    Agreed, ugly. And yet possibly an important piece of information?


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