Just Swan Inn

Worst Toilet/Interior Design/Tiles/

This is the gents at The Swan Inn on Stirling Highway Fremantle. That’s Jarrad. He is part of The Jeff Strong Band, and shouldn’t really be in The Worst of Perth, because they were pretty good. There’s a poster highlighting depression on the wall. Those tiles are not helping.



Re: Below. I was told that there is no corrsponding sign in the ladies saying Jarrad might come a knockin. (If this toilet’s rockin…)


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About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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6 Responses to Just Swan Inn

  1. Miss Teschmacher says:

    Snap! I was in the female toilets of the Swan last weekend. They are psychedelic and surely not kind to the eyes of drunken people? On a positive note they were at least clean….


  2. Rage says:

    I bet it’s a clever ploy. Instead of sticking your fingers down your throat when you’ve got that woozy feeling after 23 too many, you can just look up and let the tiles do all the work- and go straight back to the bar with an empty stomach to start all over again.



  3. Ljuke says:

    You can just see on the side of Jarrad’s beanie, where it used to say “Southern Comfort”, he has crossed out a few letters to read “o the comfort”.


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  5. Pingback: Fuckhead Union/Scab Cunt « The Worst of Perth

  6. The Legend 101 says:

    Can we please see a picture of this toilet.


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