Stealers Weir

Mundaring Weir. Look lock and leave to be sure, but you don’t expect them to fucking steal the word weir! When I was growing up we all used to leave our weir signs unlocked! We were so innocent back then. Before Cloud Street I mean. You remember? When Mundaring weir used to overflow every winter like a thousand bush dunnies flushing – the old Lesmurdie cisterns, not the long drops obviously , and the dunny floor would be full of dried pepper tree leaves and the cicadas going full bore like chainsaws outside through the wired glass with the rust busting through. And you could hear the snort of the tyres as old man Ranford reversed in the gravel carpark  below- the only time that chickenshit falcon donk would ever spin the wheels. You remember? You must do. 

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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11 Responses to Stealers Weir

  1. Reign of Error says:

    If there’s something Weir’d
    And it don’t look good
    Who ya gonna call?


  2. Rong1 says:

    The Dam Busters. Oops, wrong movie.


  3. Sir Bill International says:

    Who is thieving it ? Climate change that’s who. Now being Perthians you’ve lived in shit , and now you are going to have to drink it. Yes , the solution to Perth’s declining dam levels is to take the hose from the Graylands sewerage plant and stick it into Mundaring Weir. SDTT is already onboard.


  4. Zuben says:

    How much state-owned watercorp-administered rainwater catchment land has been sold on for suburban housing estates over the last 15 years ?

    How many official trips to israel to purchase desal gagetry and to the uk for effluent treatment technology so that mundaring weir can be ripped off and sold on to developers of 12 storey mixed use residential infill ?

    Weirlessness is emblematic of Perth at 3.5 Million or whatevs that recent govt brochure touts .

    The future is almost now


  5. Zuben says:

    Rather fine commentary too on the effectiveness of opulent WA law enforcement and its charismatic expat police strongman .


  6. ewfire11 says:

    He’s right about the old Palcons…. Falcons, sorry.


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