Outrage Sunday 227 PI55

Shenton Park’s Onslow Road (not far from where we name the quilty) is Miroesque. Do we really need these rude words outside a community centre? What do the colourful lines and squiggles mean? IMG_1949


This, in teh CBD, was much more intelligible.

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8 Responses to Outrage Sunday 227 PI55

  1. Reign of Error says:

    Yo Holmes, Pung Tang is going fully retro. It’s an old school trip back to the pre-Brazilian, hip dysplasia era. Respect.


  2. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Wouldn’t want to be on the jackhammer drilling into ?—-?. Hope there are still some left over 457 visa guys for that shit.


  3. Anonymous says:

    The lines in Shenton Park are Police Traffic investigators tracing Troy Buswell’s journey following a Christmas party. There will be DNA tests of the PI55


  4. Zuben says:

    The life force isn t exactly focussed on Onslow road is it


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