Karma Chakra

Did youse know that the Rottnest Lodge is now The Chakra Lodge? I’m not joking. You can get a Root or Sacra Chakra cocktail. Again, this is not a joke. I believe both of these Chakras are located in the “upper, upper thigh regions”. ie bits & back door. And I’m not sure whether you’d really want the “karma” you might get from a building that still hasn’t been brought to terms with its role as a location for torturing and murdering Aboriginal men. Who would want such odious and distressing karma? Very very ill judged. Also Ill judged is their plastic martini glasses. You get karma from a plastic cocktail glass and it will fuck you right up. Is it possible the whole thing is a pisstake? Plastic cocktail glass Karma in aboriginal murdering building? Just wow!


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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12 Responses to Karma Chakra

  1. River&Sea says:

    Cynicism says pisstake, sufferance says fully on point.
    Do I detect a subtle vibrancy in the fine print?


  2. Zuben says:

    My first and only overnight on Rottnest I did stay in ‘ the Lodge ‘ in one of those old cell rooms . Was new to Perth and didn t know its history .

    It was indeed a creepy experience and though not in any way psychic had trouble sleeping . Not keen ever to return , especially knowing what I know now .

    John Day was on record in 2013 that the accommodation facilities would be closed down and the heritage building repurposed as cultural centre .

    Unspecific as to which culture . ‘Body’ and ‘cocktail’ must have been two available options .


  3. Shazza says:

    In -fucking -defensible.


  4. Reign of Error says:

    Got to be a Top 10 worsting contender for 2015.

    Placcy martini glass hints of hi-viz robes, steel cap sandals and post chakra alignment games of quokka soccer to round off the experience.


  5. Reign of Error says:

    Reminded me of the Convict Koala and Cat ‘O’ Nine Tails childrens toys on sale at the Fremantle Prison gift shop. http://www.fremantleprison.com.au/Shop/browsethestore/toys/Pages/default.aspx


  6. don says:

    So there’s no quokka chakra. That’d be the little hairy animal inside you.


  7. Pooz says:

    I took the family to rotto for a week a year or so, stayed at the lodge. My 2 year old son would wake up screaming in the middle of the night (not normal) and I had insomnia, didn’t really sleep for a week. Worst holiday ever.


  8. Zuben says:

    Mr karma chakra aka John spence entrepreneur of the year for 2010 has just been granted development rights for an 80 room luxury hotel with or without this building . Either 14 university of California students or a local architect will design it .


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