Verge Heroes

What a crew. From a pre post-vibrant ie shithouse era. Only two have signed. Which two it’s hard to say. And Emu Export tinnie with orange wedge. The poor man’s Corona with lemon. ie shithouse. By Daniel B. On the verge.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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22 Responses to Verge Heroes

  1. rottobloggo says:

    Take care of those pimples!


  2. Pete f says:

    That’s fantastic . This is why twop is in the state archives.


  3. juantrak says:

    The fact that the toilets were included in the pic makes it even more shithouse.
    Is this SB collectible going to appear on eBay next week? – complete with genuine, original piss stains?


  4. Rolly says:

    For playing ball games?
    Whatever next!?


  5. mancey says:

    Left sig is Peter Matera. Other one is Dwayne somebody, i’m guessing a 15 minutes of fame Perth Heat player


  6. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    The good old days when Perth produced its own undrinkable beers thanks to Bondy.


  7. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    The verge is the new pool room.


  8. Sir Bill International says:

    Least a signed Mainie is still worth something.


  9. Reign of Error says:

    Anne Conti or Troy Buswell’s verge?
    Stack o’ quoits in far left of frame add symbolic depth


  10. you'll get wet says:

    Notice Eagles player extreme right holding open rabbit cage below locker. Secretly used to test steroids, all are believed to have escaped and bred with the locals [rabbits I mean]


  11. El Guisto says:

    And the really pertinent question….

    If this was next to a garden gnome with a broken head, and you had to choose one of them, which one would you take?


  12. Hot Kreemy says:

    Dwayne “Fatty” Lamb wore the inaugural #5 Eagles jumper. A misshapen number 5 is scrawled above his name. He isn’t in the picture.


  13. Hot Kreemy says:

    I remember that poster well. Somewhere I worked / someone I knew had it pinned up. Somewhere.

    It dates from ~1992 coz I remember thinking to myself those teams either won, or were reigning champions in their respective leagues. Heroes indeed.


  14. Hot Kreemy says:

    ppps: The ABL and Perth Heat are still ticking along. Never realized.


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