Is nothing sacred?

Location unknown although smart arses live there. Does an innocent board have to be subjected to this so called humour? They truly are the worst of Perth. By Pete F.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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6 Responses to Is nothing sacred?

  1. juantrak says:

    That’s Farmer Jacks in Subi. There’s more than smartarses that live there – Subi is obviously the food theft capital of Perth.
    Walked past a couple of FJ’s operatives one afternoon, as they were examining the fresh meat dept with some concern.
    One says to the other, “you know, that’s the 8th pack of bulk steak we’ve lost today!”
    That’s why the fresh meat dept of FJ’s now has 50 cameras trained on you from every angle when you’re checking out their scotch fillet packs.


  2. Pete f says:

    Claremont. 25

    This board occasionally turns into a news corp style forum as people object to things others like. The less packaging comment is asking for it – earnest green is the most reactive.


  3. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Nut free butter? Who has been nutting in the butter?


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