Outrage Sunday 155 money

Money is the cause of 99% of crime.” Are TWOPers brave enough to re-think their origins and thus be emancipated from the slave species we know as humanity?

Michael Tellinger is. I may not be able to post next week, as I’ll be at at evening with Michael in Mt Hawthorn. thisisyourgodAfter a night on the Internet, I can tell you:

The path that brought us here as a species is not only filled with lies and deception of unimaginable proportion, but also with continuous manipulation of the human race that goes back thousands of years – all controlled by money.

Mr Tellinger has come full circle since his epic Slave Species of God in 2006, (think! why have we been obsessed with gold? Why are Jews called Goldberg?) by proposing a blueprint for freedom.

Mr Tellinger exposes the misunderstood origins of money and the rise of the royal banking elite that have controlled the world for millennia and continue to do so today through the modern banking families (those Fuggers!). He points out that money did not evolve from thousands of years of barter and trade, but that it was maliciously introduced to the human race as a tool of absolute control and enslavement. Mr Tellinger makes a strong case that if we do not understand our human origins, we cannot come to terms with why the world is so messed up in the 21st century. michael-tellinger

He demonstrates that our current situation presents us with a unique opportunity to change the course of our destiny. Mr Tellinger describes how the ancient African philosophy of UBUNTU (not the Linux operating system, just to make clear) will allow us to seamlessly move from a divided, money-driven society, to united communities driven by people, their passion for life and their God-given talents: there will even be a place for Bento! Coming to terms with our enslavement as a species is critical to discovering the path to full enlightenment. We are slaves to the rhythm of the money.

I know TWOPers will agree: UBUNTU Contributionism presents a solid foundation for a new social structure to take us into a new era of true freedom from financial tyranny and real prosperity on every level of human endeavour.

See you at 197 Scarborough Beach Road at 6.30pm: tickets $25.

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9 Responses to Outrage Sunday 155 money

  1. Rong1 says:

    … to seamlessly move from a divided, money-driven society …
    That’ll be $25 please.


  2. Rolly says:

    Mention the word God and I am immediately incredulous.
    Instant suspicion of “con job”.


  3. Anonymous says:

    Ubuntu: because Tanzania is a model state.


  4. Dave says:

    Ubuntu: Nyerere’s gift to the world.


  5. orbea says:

    I don’t got the coin, can I pay in Interpretive Dance and Lemons and Limes from my garden? BYO gin right?


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