Outrage Sunday 152 food glorious food

This couple love their prawn crackers: listening to their repast on the way home was gruelling, and it seemed a little early for dinner. prawncrackersThe bill of fare was fine, and the premises looked faultless – but what the dickens is this font? bulgogiYum! These menus from white-hot new small bar The Three Cripples look fantastic. What would you choose? I hope they don’t get nasty when you ask for potato boiled and creamed. peasebrisselsBut TWOPers know Chiken al a Lionel on a Plate is food fit for a king. Or queen. chikenplate

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8 Responses to Outrage Sunday 152 food glorious food

  1. juantrak says:

    Re the numberplate: He actually wanted to put “Tai-Chi Ken” – but he was restricted by DOT to 6 letters, so he had to shorten it the best he could,


  2. Sir Bill International says:

    DFOC’s name and shame file. Here Ron and Myrlte Muffley of Muffley’s Mufflers demonstrate their prawn cracker pr0n style after a visit to PoPos , house of the prawn cracker.Notice Ron’s competitive control of the crackers , and Barbara Shuttlecock of St Jim’s Ambos admirable forboreance of the situation and restraint from supplying first aid. Which one amongst you chichens would ? A disaster diorama by Breughel come to life, but don’t bristle at the little sprouts.


  3. Dame Shazza says:

    Apple apricot fool works if you say it with a Mr T accent.


  4. Plonka says:

    I’ll have the please and corn pease.


  5. I gotta say that returning to Perth last christmas it finally hit me. No other state loves personalised number plates quite like Westralia. Small observation, but I reckon true. I’d like to see some hard stats.


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