Padbury Masterpiece

Dave P takes us to a Padbury classic. Should the Manhattes Barkeep jump off the Nyack bandwagon, can I suggest a Padbury base? What’s not to like here? The half arsed surfboard theme, offhandedly realised. Palms, sand and auto intruder light. A weeded block and relentless blue skies.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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16 Responses to Padbury Masterpiece

  1. Muffinguts says:

    Shit fuck ugly board
    Wished the shark ate your pussee
    Dementia Nanna garden


  2. Muffinguts says:

    Once there was a board of super proportions
    Until a twat decided to wax it ride at Hilary’s
    Stuck some fish guts down his suit for extra seasoning
    His death was reported on Seven Sunrise as a great misery

    Now he is within the tummy of shark
    Demented Nanna aware of the lark
    The half surf board in her yard
    Reminds her of the grandson shark annoying retard


  3. GivDBird says:

    iconic, I’m a surfie
    broke me board
    when fell of rack


  4. Pingback: Nyack NY Part 2 | The Worst of Perth

  5. billoslatter says:

    Padbury surfboard
    On the sixth birthday of TWOP
    a fitting tribute


  6. Misspent_yoof says:

    If you’re going to start TWOPing stuff like this you could devote an entire website just to Morley Drive and Scabs Beach Rd!


  7. Zuben says:

    Look , padbury is where one lives if one surfs and cannot afford beachside rent .

    I fail to see the big problem !

    Besides which it is beatufully laid out with a great deal of landscaped and maintained POS that would never be provided by present day developers .

    With little imagination one can see AUDRC WAPC MRA and JDAP drooling over future plans for the v-word in padbury


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