haiku expose

Forget TLA’s earlier witterings: the mainstream media has investigated the haiku competition. David ‘Swear Bear’ Bell had the scoop. TLA may have been commended – but I am the poet who has been published. The Voice also has a report on Matt Buckels, with a photo of him shamelessly kissing babies.haikuoutrage

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43 Responses to haiku expose

  1. Fucking outrage. No mention of the fine commended WA work? Although the basic story that Deefock was a loser was good journalism I guess. “Follow the lack of commends”.


  2. vegan says:

    self indulgent much?


  3. JJ says:

    we deserve better
    than for Easto cunts to win
    a fucking outrage


  4. Bento says:

    They come over here
    and take all our poetry
    Nasturtiums shit me


  5. Misspent_yoof says:

    Clive Palmer is in
    Massive electoral fraud
    Fat rich lunatic


  6. Misspent_yoof says:

    Poets masturbate
    Jizzing sticky haiku prose
    But nobody cares


  7. Muffinguts says:

    Fucking lazy bogues
    Stealing cars in Rocko
    Mullet pleasing wanks


  8. Muffinguts says:

    Fat rich Clive cunter
    Fucking insane politician
    Mongrel roo poo rulz


  9. uglyelissa says:

    Isn’t Ronn Moss the
    guy who plays Ridge on The Bold
    & the Beautiful?


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