Open House Perth

Thanks for the numerous people that have sent me the link to Open House Perth. I have signed up of course. I hope many worsters will sign up for behind the scenes looks at some of Perth’s finest – and also shittiest buildings and review them for here if they do. Obviously give the design studios a miss *larf* though. Some locations are by booking only, and a ballot for those opens in October. If enough FOTWOP (Friends of twop) see places, particularly the new ones, might do a week of the reviews.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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37 Responses to Open House Perth

  1. NF#1 says:

    As I suspected, the focus is on buildings and interiors which look much better unsullied by humankind. And while I’m thinking of it, was there no comment on TWOP as to Building 201’s ceiling collapse in March?


  2. keatster says:

    no doubt you will be interested in perth park(ing) day, in which two car bays will be converted into parks for the day:

    Park(ing) Day Perth


  3. orbea says:

    Why is this worst?


  4. orbea says:

    Alan Bond’s original plan was to build the tallest structure in WA and even today it still remains the third tallest building in the city

    Fail, memory, fail.


  5. Overhearer says:

    I love that they didn’t even do enough research to know (or care?) that their twitter hashtag is the same as “overheard in perth”


  6. Bartender's Skills with a Manhatten says:

    I love programs of this sort, but unless I’m missing something it looks as if the sites here are all open to the public at all times. I thought the point was to show lobbies/rooms/gardens/etc. that are usually not accessible/visible.


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